🔌 Available as a nuxt 3 module at https://github.com/gbicou/nuxt-urql
This is a example of nuxt3 application with :
- graphql code generation
- urql graphql client
- typescript everywhere
- composition api
Using countries graphql api from Trevor Blades https://countries.trevorblades.com/
We recommend to look at the nuxt3 documentation.
Make sure to install the dependencies
pnpm install
Rebuild typescript sources (schema, introspection and operations) from graphql files
pnpm graphql-codegen
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
pnpm dev
Build the application for production:
pnpm build
Checkout the deployment documentation.
Application is deployed :
- on vercel @ https://nuxt3-urql.vercel.app/
- on netlify @ https://nuxt3-urql.netlify.app/