I've tried to keep the yaml file scenes/template/template.yml up to date with all the global configuration parameters.
Example usage:
python3 yaml_parser/yaml_parser.py scenes/bounding_boxes/bounding_boxes.yml >./main.c
time ./ray_tracer
open /tmp/out_file.ppm
open /tmp/out_file.png
- Add a spot light
- Refactor photon mapping code in light.c to use CMJ instead of random sampling for photon emission
- Remove malloc/free from the photon map where possible.
- Implement participating media photon tracing/mapping.
- Implement MTL file parsing.
- Support object emission (refactor entire lighting system)
- Use a material's Tf triple to determine the casts_shadow flag. This includes changing the intensity_at function for each light type. This also requires changing the way the hit function works.
Investigate why shadow calc short-cut causes lighting problems.Sometimes t < 0 for the first hit found. Fixed.
bump maps.Support illum directivesI decided not to bother.Support the obj file mtllib directive to determine a material file to import.
- Add parameters to the config parser
- obj_loader default vertex num, default group num
- super-sampling flag for textures
- Refactor patterns into multiple source files
- Implement triangle mesh support
- Finish adding HSL color support
- Implement projection map for generating the caustics photon map.
- Implement selective projection maps. Perhaps object opt-in.
- Genericize patterns so they don't use the Color type
- Add const keyword to function signatures where appropriate.
- Investigate BLAS/LAPACK/SIMD
- Add heirarchical yaml parsing so I can have a global config which is read first before a scene's yaml file.
- Refactor shapes such that one only needs to include shapes.h
- Add parameters to the config parser
- epsilon
Add a circular area lightAdd a flag to skip matrix multiplies by the identity matrixImplement a better shadow ray mechanism so intersection stops after the first hitUse realloc instead of malloc when resizing arrays for intersections and group.childrenGet rid of bounding box alloc'ing and free'ing.Rework container so it hangs off the world object.Fix canvas so it takes a color space function at construction. Right now maps are always converting to sRGB.Refactor materials out of shapes.{c,h}Refactor yaml parser logic to not load a file multiple times but use shape_copy on the parent group for object files.Refactor canvas/texture maps to only keep one image in memory even if multiple patterns try to load the file.Add parameters to the config parserlight source cache sizeAdd the ability to configure color space in a yaml config file
Implement photon tracingImplement photon mapping for caustics- Balance radiance estimate
Implement photon mapping for diffuse reflection- Balance radiance estimate
Improve correlated multi-jitter logicRefactor sampling and jittering from camera, renderer, lights into src/libs/sampler/sampler.{c,h}Refactor core-selection code from renderer.c into a librarySupport a thread pool so rows can be handed out independently.Add GI parameters to the config parser.photon map cone constant