To restore a instance, follow instructions here
Run these commands locally
Connect to S3 through S3Hub and change primary_server_backup/mondy* to be readable by everyone
This is optional if I can get the ec2-register command to connect to it with my private key and certificate.
Grant read access to primary_server_backup and all its files should be good enough!!
$ ec2-register primary_server_backup/monday.manifest.xml
IMAGE ami-xxxxxxxx
$ ec2-run-instances -k ec2-keypair ami-xxxxxxxx
$ ec2-deregister ami-xxxxxxxx
$ ec2-describe-instances
Assocaite the elastic IP to this new instance when the new instance is verified thoroughly
$ ec2-associate-address IP -i INSTANCE
Terminate the old instance
$ ec2-terminate-instances OLD_INSTANCE
Create a post in bbs
Cron runs a script every 10 minutes to check content of that post to decide what to do
E.g.: forward a game from TOM, forward a game from another URL
Keep a history to avoid duplicate posts