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A basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list

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📖 Awesome Books WebApp

The Awesome Books WebApp is a user-friendly platform designed to help users keep track of their personal book collection. The website allows users to add and delete books from their record, making it convenient to manage their reading materials.

Users can easily add books to their collection by providing the book's title and author information. The website stores this data and displays it in an organized manner, making it easy for users to browse through their book records. Each book entry includes details such as the title and author, providing users with a comprehensive overview of their collection.

In addition to adding books, users can also remove books from their record when they no longer wish to track them. The website offers a simple deletion process, ensuring that users can effortlessly manage their collection over time.

The Awesome Books WebApp prioritizes user experience and provides a clean and intuitive interface. It offers a seamless process for adding and deleting books, empowering users to maintain an up-to-date and personalized record of their reading materials.

With the Awesome Books WebApp, users can effortlessly organize and track their book collection, ensuring they never lose sight of their favorite reads and enabling them to stay engaged with their literary adventures.

Head to the LIVE DEMO SECTION for Live links and presentations

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack


Key Features

  • Mobile Friendly : this website performs well on a mobile device like a phone or tablet.
  • Desktop Friendly: this website is responsive to desktop screen sizes.
  • Simple and Attractive Design : the UI / UX is engaging and appealing.
  • Functional : this website is accessible, easy to navigate, and helpful for users.
  • **Animations and transitions : This website has engaging transitions and animations that makes it easier to use, smoother and more natural.

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🚀 Live Demo

View the live demo of this project by clicking the text below.

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💻 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.

Clone the repository

git clone

And you are ready to begin your project


This project contains An HTML FILE (free to edit) - file that contains html codes to give structure to the main webpage A CSS FILE (free to edit) - file that contains css codes to style the webpage A GIT IGNORE FILE (free to edit) - to hide personal or private files HTML/CSS LINTER FILES (should not edit) - Do not make changes A JAVASCRIPT FILE (free to edit) - that handles functionalities and dynamic HTML


You should have Node and Git Installed You should have basic knowledge on HTML / CSS / JavaScript You should have a code editor


Download install VSCODE and Git To install linters, execute the following commands:

Initialize npm | ``` npminit -y ```
HTML | ``` npm install --save-dev hint@7.x ```
CSS | ```npm install --save-dev stylelint@13.x stylelint-scss@3.x stylelint-config-standard@21.x stylelint-csstree-validator@1.x  ```


To run the linters, execute the following command and fix linter errors:

HTML | ``` npx hint . ```
CSS | ```npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" ```
If you get a flood of errors keep in mind that linters guide you in writing a clean code!

Run Tests

You can run this program on your browser


You can deploy this project using the following procedure:

  • Pick the right hosting provider.
  • Choose the tool and method to upload your website.
  • Upload files to your website.
  • Move the website files to the main root folder.
  • Import your database.
  • Check if your website works worldwide.

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👥 Authors

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👤 Eloghene Otiede

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🤝 Contributing

You can offer Contributions, submit an issue, and make a feature request.

Future Features

  • Add pop up modals
  • Add the contact form
  • Add more content pages

⭐️ Show your support

Please give a ⭐️ to support this project

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🙏 Acknowledgments

Fonts: Google Fonts

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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A basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list







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