GEant4 Monte-Carlo
gemc is an application based on Geant4 to simulate the passage of particles through matter.
It provides:
- application independent geometry description
- easy interface to build / run experiments
- cad/gdml imports
gemc makes easy things trivial and hard things possible.
Users can build and run complex setups with minimal programming knowledge. See for example how to build a TOF with few lines of code.
Experiments can be loaded using a combination of several available factories:
- CAD (STL, PLY, OBJ formats)
- C++ Plugin
gemc can import models from CAD and GDML.
Left: the upper gastrointestinal system is modeled in CAD.
It can be imported in GEMC and made it sensitive
so that radiation doses can be measured.
Right: the mighty USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A can be
used to shoot protons torpedos.
Once the user defined setup is loaded, it is translated in geant4. This includes:
- geometry
- materials
- mirrors
- physics list
- digitization
- electromagnetic fields
All particles are transported through matters and produce radiation, hits, secondaries. The geant4 results are then collected and organized according to user preferences.