This web app is no longer live and has been migrated to a static website here:
While the web app was fun to have, I didnt want to pay the 5 dollars a month to host it anymore. 🙂
This repository has been archived as a result.
LeviathanRipBlog is a platform designed for my friends and I to chronicle and retell our Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) sessions. This application serves as a digital archive where game sessions can be stored, reread, and managed.
- Framework: ASP.NET MVC on .NET 8.
- Front-end: Bootstrap 5.3, Font Awesome icons, and HTMX to add interactivity.
- Hosting: The web server is hosted on Digital Ocean using their App Platform Service.
- Database: Supabase free tier.
- Storage: Supabase free tier.
- CI/CD: The main branch is configured to automatically deploy new Docker images to Digital Ocean and deploy the newest image automatically.
- Add campaign characters with descriptions and images
- Timeline
- Add username first name, and last name so email isn't displayed