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A soulslike melee combat system on unreal by blueprint (Unreal 5.1)


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Unreal Melee Combat System

Unreal Melee Combat System Demo Video

A blueprint soulslike melee combat system on unreal.

engine version: 5.1.0




Implemented in the animation blueprint, used to update animation state machine.

Functions Description
Update Combat Type Change character locomotion animations by different weapon type (eg: No Weapon, Light Sword, Shield, Twin Sword, Great Sword...)
Update Combat Enable Change character Common / Battle locomotion animations.
Update Blocking State Change character Defensive / Offensive posture locomotion animations.


Implemented in the combat character actor blueprint.

Functions Description
Perform Attack Play the attack montage (Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Charged Attack, Falling Attack, Sprinting Attack, Special Attack...) depend on current equipped weapon, and change character state to Attack.
Perform Action Play the action montage (Enter Combat, Exit Combat, Dodge, Block, Slide, Die...), and change character state.
Perform Use Item Play the item usage montage, depend on current equipped item.
Perform Hit Reaction Play the hit reaction montage, depend on damage direction (Front, Back, Left, Right), damage type (Melee, Knockdown, Dot...) and character blocking state.
Perform Death Play death montage and change character state to Death.
Get Speed Mode Get character speed mode (Walking, Jogging, Sprinting).
Get Desire Rotation Get character desire rotation (forward or current input direction).
Set Moveable Set character moveable.
Can Recieve Damage? Character can receive damage or not.
Reset Combat Reset character attack count and attack state.
Continue Attack Continue play combo attack montage.
Consume Item Consume Item.
Set Invincibility Set character invincibility or not.
Move To Let character move to specify location in the input time.
Jump To Let character jump to specify location in the input time.


Gameplay tag stuff.

Functions Description
Get Owned Gameplay Tags Get asset's gameplay tag.
Has Matching Gameplay Tags Check if the asset has gameplay tags that matches against any of the specified tags.


Functions Description
Interact Interact with interactive objects by caller.


Functions Description
Can Be Targeted? Check character can be targeted or not.
Enable Lock On Enable / Disable lock on perform.
On Targeted Character on Targeted / Untargeted event.


Functions Description
On Owner Landed Weapon owner on landed event.

Actor Components



Collision Component provides attack collision detection capacity for weapon actor or character.



Event Description
Set Collision Mesh Component Set static mesh or skeleton mesh as collision socket source.
Activate Collision Clear already hit actors, and enable multi sphere trace.
Deactivate Coliision Disable multi sphere trace.
Collision Trace Start multi sphere trace, call On Hit delegate for qualified actors.


Dispatchers Input
On Hit Hit Result

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Start Socket Name Name Multi sphere trace Start location.
End Socket Name Name Multi sphere trace End location.
Trace Radius Float Multi sphere trace Radius.
Collision Object Type EObject Type (array) Multi sphere trace Object Type.
Actors to Ignore Actor (array) Multi sphere trace Actors to Ignore.
Draw Debug Type Draw Debug Type Multi sphere trace Draw Debug Type.
Ignore Gameplay Tags Gameplay Tag Container Multi sphere trace ignore gameplay tags.


Functions Description
Is Collision Enabled? Check collision is enabled or not.
Get Already Hit Actors Get multi sphere trace hit actors in collision.
Get Last Hit Result Get last multi sphere trace hit result.
Get Ignore Actors Get ignore actors list.
Add Ignore Actors Add actors to collision ignore list.
Remove Ignore Actors Remove actors form ignore list.


Combat Component is used to manage the character current main weapon, shield weapons and props.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Attack Count Integer Continuous attack counter, as combo montage array index.


Functions Description
Set Main Weapon Set weapon as character current equipped main weapon.
Get Main Weapon Get character current equipped main weapon.
Set Shield Weapon Set shield weapon character current equipped shield weapon.
Get Shield Weapon Get character current equipped shield weapon.
Set Item Set character current equipped item.
Get Item Get character current equipped item.
Consume Item Consume character current equipped item.
Set Combat Enable Toggle character Common / Battle state.
Is Combat Enabled? Check character is in battle or not.
Reset Attack Reset Attack Count to 0, reset Attack Saved and Wait for Attack to false.
Set Blocking Enable Toggle character Defensive / Offensive state.
Is Blocking Enabled? Check character is blocking or not.


Dispatchers Input
On Toggle Combat Boolean
On Toggle Blocking Boolean
On Item Changed BP_ConsumableItem


Equipment Component is character's equipment manager.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Starting Equipments BP_BaseEquipment (array) Initial equipments configuration of the character.


Functions Description
Initialize Equipment Initialize starting equipments for character.
Get Current Equipments Get character current equipment list.


State Manager Component is used to manage the owner's states and action.


Functions Description
Set Current State Set owner current state gameplay tag.
Get Current State Get owner current state gameplay tag.
Reset State Reset owner current state gameplay tag.
Is Current State Equal To Any? Check owner current state is equal to any specific gameplay tag or not.
Set Current Action Set owner current action gameplay tag.
Get Current Action Get owner current action gameplay tag.
Is Current Action Equal To Any? Check owner current action is equal to any specific gameplay tag or not.


Dispatchers Input
On Character State Begin Gameplay Tag
On Character State End Gameplay Tag
On Character Action Begin Gameplay Tag
On Character Action End Gameplay Tag


Stats Component is used to manage owner's stats value.


Event Description
Start Regen Start regen specific stat value.
Stop Regen Stop regen specific stat value.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Base Stats E_StatsType -> F_BaseStat (mapping) Owner base stats and value configuration.
Stamina Regen Rate Float Stamina regen rate, per 0.1 second.
Regen Delay Float Stamina regen delay time, second.


Functions Description
Initialize Stats Initialize owner stats by Base Stats.
Set Base Stat Value Set specific stat base value.
Get Base Stat Value Get specific stat base value.
Set Max Stat Value Set specific stat max value.
Get Max Stat Value Get specific stat max value.
Set Current Stat Value Set specific stat current value.
Get Current Stat Value Get specific stat current value.
Modify Current Stat Value Modify specific stat current value by delta value.
Take Damage Damage Mulitplier = Damage / (Damage + Armor)
Reduced Damage = Damage x Damage Mulitplier
Regen Stamina Regen owner current stamina value.


Dispatchers Input
On Current Stat Value Updated E_StatType, Float


Targeting Component provides the ability to lock on target.


Event Description
Enable Lock On Enable targeting.
Disable Lock On Disable targeting.
Toggle Lock On Enable or disable lock on.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Target Object Type EObject Type Query Object types that can be targets.
Targeting Radius Float Sphere trace Radius.
Targeting Distance Float Max targeting distance.
Target Rotation Interp Speed Float Lock on camera rotation RInterp speed.
Default Rotation Mode E_RotationMode Orient to Movement / Orient to Camera


Functions Description
Set Is Targeting If target actor is valid, set Is Targeting to true, and send On Targeted message to target actor.
Is Targeting? Check owner is targeting or not?
Find Target Find closet targetable pawn as lock on target.
Set Target Actor Set target actor.
Get Target Actor Get current targeting actor.
Update Targeting Control Rotation Update owner controller rotate to target actor.
Set Rotation Mode Set rotation mode: Orient to Movement / Orient to Camera.
Get Rotation Mode Get owner current rotation mode.
Update Rotation Mode Update owner rotation mode depend on owner state.
Can Target Actor? Check actor can be targeted or not.


Dispatchers Input
On Disable Targeting None

Character Actor

All the characters are inherited from BP_CombatCharacter_Base, which including common logic of Player and AI.



CombatCharacter_Base has the following custom actor components:

BP_CombatComponent, BP_StateManagerComponent, BP_StatsComponent, BP_TargetingComponent, BP_EquipmentComponent.

And implements the following interfaces:

Combat_BPI, GameplayTag_BPI, Targeting_BPI.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Max Walking Speed Float The character movement Max Walking Speed in walking state.
Max Jogging Speed Float The character movement Max Walking Speed in jogging state.
Max Sprinting Speed Float The character movement Max Walking Speed in sprinting state.
Unarm Hit Montage_F Anim Montage Hit from front montage on unarm state.
Unarm Hit Montage_B Anim Montage Hit from back montage on unarm state.
Unarm Hit Montage_L Anim Montage Hit from left montage on unarm state.
Unarm Hit Montage_R Anim Montage Hit from right montage on unarm state.
Knockdown Montage_F Anim Montage Knockdown from front montage on unarm state.
Knockdown Montage_B Anim Montage Knockdown from back montage on unarm state.
Owned Gameplay Tags Gameplay Tag Container Character identify gameplay tags.
Ignore Gameplay Tags Gameplay Tag Container Character attack ignore gameplay tags which other actors owned.
Pelvis Bone Name Name Ragdoll root bone.


Event Description
Event BeginPlay Initialize character stats and equipments.
Event Tick Get delta seconds.
Event PointDamage Point damage handler.
Event On Landed Character on landed event.
Event Begin Rotate To Target Start the timeline, character begin rotate to the target.
Event Stop Rotate To Target Stop the timeline.

Input Action

The following input actions are mapped only in BP_CombatCharacter_Player.

Event Description
EnhancedInputAction IA_Look Modify controller Yaw and Pitch.
EnhancedInputAction IA_Move Move the pawn.
EnhancedInputAction IA_Jump Jump.
EnhancedInputAction IA_Interact Interact with near actor.
EnhancedInputAction IA_ToggleCombat Toggle character Common / Battle state.
EnhancedInputAction IA_ToggleWalk Toggle character Walk / Jogging state.
EnhancedInputAction IA_ToggleLock Toggle character targeting state.
EnhancedInputAction IA_LightAttack Light attack input.
EnhancedInputAction IA_HeavyAttack Heavy attack input.
EnhancedInputAction IA_Dodge Dodge input.
EnhancedInputAction IA_Sprint Sprint input.
EnhancedInputAction IA_Block Block input.
EnhancedInputAction IA_UseItem Use current equipment item input.


Event Description
On Character State Begin Called on character enter any state.
On Character State End Called on character exit any state.
On Character Action Begin Called on character start any action.
On Character Action End Called on character exit any action.
On Current Stat Value Updated Called on character any stats value been modified.


Functions Description
Can Perform Toggle Combat? Check character can toggle combat or not.
Can Perform Attack? Check character can perform attack or not.
Can Perform Dodge? Check character can perform dodge or not.
Can Perform Sprinting? Check character can perform sprinting or not.
Can Perform Block? Check character can perform block or not.
Can Jump? Check character can jump or not.
Can Block Attack? Check character can block attack or not.
Set Movement Speed Mode Set character current move speed.
Get Movement Speed Mode Get character current move speed.
Get Desired Attack Type Get desired attack type by character current state.
Attack Try to start attack by desired attack type (Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Falling Attack, Sprinting Attack).
Charge Attack Try to start charge attack.
Charge Attack Timer Accumulated charging time.
Reset Charge Attack Reset charging time and relevant flags.
Sprinting Timer Accumulated sprinting time.
Sprinting Stamina Cost Modify sprinting stamina stat value.
Disable Sprinting Disable sprinting.
Enable Ragdoll Set ragdoll collision and all bodies below simulate physics.
Get Hit Direction Get hit direction when received damage.
Apply Hit Reacion Physics Velocity Apply ragdoll physics linear velocity.


CombatCharacter_Player is child blueprint class of BP_CombatCharacter_Base, it add mapping enhanced input local player subsystem on Begin Play.



MasterAI is also child blueprint class of BP_CombatCharacter_Base, it create the health bar widget on Begin Play.


The head health bar when this actor on targeted by player.


Equippable Actor



Base Equippable is euippable actor base blueprint class, it has Skeletal Mesh Component and Static Mesh Component.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Attach Socket Name Name Socket name that attach to character mesh component.
Owned Gameplay Tags Gameplay Tag Container Identify gameplay tags.


Functions Description
Attach Actor Attach actor to character mesh component.
Get Item Mesh Get actor Skeletal Mesh Component or Static Mesh Component.
On Equipped On actor equipped.
On Unequipped On actor unequipped.
Set Is Equipped Set equipped flag.
Is Equipped? Check actor is equipped on character or not.


Base Weapon is one of BP_BaseEquippable child blueprint class, all weapons are created by this or inherited from this class.

It has BP_CollisionComponent and handle the On Hit event.

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Combat Type E_CombatType Weapon combat type (Light Sword, Great Sword, Twin Sword...)
Damage Type Class Damage Type (Class Ref) Weapon current damage type.
Enter Combat Anim Montage Arm weapon animation montage.
Exit Combat Anim Montage Unarm weapon animation montage.
Hit Montage_F Anim Montage Undefense hit from front animation montage.
Hit Montage_B Anim Montage Undefense hit from back animation montage.
Hit Montage_L Anim Montage Undefense hit from left animation montage.
Hit Montage_R Anim Montage Undefense hit from right animation montage.
Defense Hit Montage Anim Montage Defense hit animation montage.
Defense Hit Broken Montage Anim Montage Defense hit broken animation montage.
Knockdown Montage_F Anim Montage Knockdown from front animation montage.
Knockdown Montage_B Anim Montage Knockdown from back animation montage.
Light Attack Montages Anim Montage (array) Light attack animation montage array.
Heavy Attack Montages Anim Montage (array) Heavy attack animation montage array.
Charged Attack Montages Anim Montage (array) Charged attack animation montage array.
Falling Attack Montages Anim Montage (array) Falling attack animation montage array.
Sprinting Attack Montages Anim Montage (array) Sprinting attack animation montage array.
Dodge Montages Anim Montage (array) Dodge animation montage array.
Slide Montages Anim Montage (array) Slide animation montage array.
Die Montages Anim Montage (array) Die animation montage array.
Special Attack Montages Anim Montage (array) Special attack animation montage array.
Damage Float Weapon current damage.
Action Stat Cost Gameplay Tag -> Float (Mapping) Each action stat value cost.
Action Damage Multiplier Gameplay Tag -> Float (Mapping) Each attack action damage multiplier.
Block Physical Damage Reduction Rate Float Damage reducion rate when block physics damage succeed.
Block Magic Damage Reduction Rate Float Damage reducion rate when block magic damage succeed.
Enable Trail FX? Boolean Enable weapon attack Trail FX or not.
Trail FX Particle System Weapon attack Trail FX.
Enable Dust FX? Boolean Enable weapon attack Dust FX or not.
Dust FX Particle System Weapon attack Dust FX.


Event Description
On Hit BP_CollisionComponent dispatcher event.


Functions Description
Toggle Combat Call owner combat component Set Combat Enable.
Simulate Weapon Physics Let weapon start simulate physics.
Get Stat Cost For Action Get specify action stat cost value.
Get Damage Get weapon damage.
On Hit Check hit actor can recieve damage or not, if true, apply the damage.
Get Action Montages Get specify action montage array.
Activate Collision Call BP_CollisionComponent function Activate Collision.
Deactivate Collision Call BP_CollisionComponent function Deactivate Collision.
Activate Trail FX Begin weapon particle system trail.
Deactivate Trail FX End weapon particle system trail.
Activate Dust FX Spawn weapon dust particle system emitter.


Character protective gear base blueprint class, inherited from BP_BaseEquippable, using Leader Pose Component (which named Master Pose Component in UE4).

Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Base Armor Float The base armor value provided by this equipment.


Functions Description
Attach Actor Attach to character skeletal mesh component and set leader pose component.
On Equipped Override parent function and modify owner current armor stat value.
On Unequipped Override parent function and modify owner current armor stat value.


Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Use Item Montages Anim Montage (array) Character use item animation montage array.
Number of Used Integer The number of each consumed.
Number in Bagpack Integer Initialize item number.


Functions Description
On Equipped Override parent function and call owner Combat Component Set Item.
On Unequipped Override parent function and call owner Combat Component Set Item to null.
Get Use Item Montages Return use item animation montage array.
Get Remaining Item Count Retrurn remaining item number in bag pack and can consumed or not.
On Item Consumed Consume item and update reamaining count.

Animation Notifies



Notify Description
AttachWeaponActor_AN If character action animation is without control bone like ik_hand_gun, use this notify to attach or cancel attach character skeletal.
ContinueAttack_AN Send message Combat_BPI.ContinueAttack.
EnableLockOn_AN Send message Targeting_BPI.EnableLockOn.
JumpToTarget_AN Send message Combat_BPI.JumpTo.
ModifyStat_AN Modify receiver stat value or consume item.
PlayCameraShake_AN Call ClientStartCameraShake, shake player camera.
ResetCombat_AN Send message Combat_BPI.ResetCombat.
ToggleCombat_AN Toggle receiver combat state.
WeaponDust_AN Activate receiver specify weapon Dust FX.

Notify State

Notify State Description
CollisionTrace_ANS Enable collision detection for weapons during the state.
DisableMovement_ANS Send message Combat_BPI.SetMoveable, disable owner move during the state.
IFrame_ANS Send message Combat_BPI.SetInvincibility, set owner be invincibility during the state.
RotateCharacter_ANS Control receiver rotation by desire rotation during the state.
WeaponTrail_ANS Activate receiver specify weapon Trail FX during the state.

Behavior Tree Nodes




Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Target Key Blackboard Key Selector Storage AI current targeting actor.
Behavior Key Blackboard Key Selector Storage AI current behavior asE_AIBehavior.
Attacking Range Key Blackboard Key Selector Storage AI current attack range as E_AttackRange.
Attacking Range Close Float AI close attacking range value.
Attacking Range Medium Float AI medium attacking range value.
Attacking Range Max Float AI max attacking range value.


Functions Description
Update Behavior Update AI current behavior.
Set Behavior Set blackboard BehaviorKey value.
Set Attacking Range Set blackboard AttackingRangeKey value.


Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Chance Percentage Integer Percentage value condition.


Functions Description
Perform Condition Check AI Check condition.



Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Target Location Blackboard Key Selector Storage AI move target point location.
Patrol Index Blackboard Key Selector Storage AI current target point index.
Should Loop? Boolean Reverse patrol index or not.


Functions Description
Set Path Location Get patrol points by PatrolIndex, and set to blackboard value TargetLocation.
Increment Patrol Index Increment patrol index, if ShouldLoop is true, reverse patrol index.
Decrement Patrol Index Decrement patrol index, if ShouldLoop is true, reverse patrol index.



Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Radius Float Radius of the sphere centered on the current position of the actor.
Query Extent Vector Project point to navigation query extent.
Target Location Blackboard Key Selector Storage AI move target point location.



Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Movement Speed Float movement speed value.



Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Attack Type Gameplay Tag Combat_BPI.PerformAttack param Attack Type.
Attack Index Integer Combat_BPI.PerformAttack param Attack Index.
Random Index? Boolean Combat_BPI.PerformAttack param Random Index.
Play Rate Float Combat_BPI.PerformAttack param Play Rate.
Continue Attack? Boolean Continue attack flag.
Continue Duration Float Delay finish time value when ContinueAttack is true.
Action Duration Modifer Float Delay finish time delta value when ContinueAttack is false.



Public Variables

Variables Type Description
Character State Gameplay Tag Combat_BPI.PerformAction params Character State.
Character Action Gameplay Tag Combat_BPI.PerformAction params Character Action.
Montage Index Integer Combat_BPI.PerformAction params Montage Index.
Random Index? Boolean Combat_BPI.PerformAction params Random Index?.
Action Duration Modifier Float Delay finish delta time value.

Gameplay Tag List

+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Attack.Charged Attack")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Attack.Falling Attack")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Attack.Heavy Attack")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Attack.Light Attack")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Attack.Special Attack")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Attack.Sprinting Attack")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Enter Blocking")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Enter Combat")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Exit Blocking")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Exit Combat")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.General Action")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.Action.Use Item")
+GameplayTagList=(Tag="Character.State.General Action State")



enum E_AIBehavior
	Nothing			= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "Nothing"),
	Patrol			= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Patrol"),
	Chase			= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Chase"),
	Attack			= 3	UMETA(DisplayName = "Attack"),
	Hit				= 4	UMETA(DisplayName = "Hit"),


enum E_AttackRange
	CloseRange		= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "Close Range"),
	MediumRange		= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "MediumRange"),
	FarRange		= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "FarRange"),


enum E_CollisionPart
	MainWeapon		= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "Main Weapon"),
	OffHandWeapon	= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Off-hand Weapon"),
	RightHand		= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Right Hand"),
	LeftHand		= 3	UMETA(DisplayName = "Left Hand"),
	RightFoot		= 4	UMETA(DisplayName = "Right Foot"),
	LeftFoot		= 5	UMETA(DisplayName = "Left Foot"),


enum E_CombatType
	None			= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
	LightSword		= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Light Sword"),
	GreatSword		= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Great Sword"),
	TwinSword		= 3	UMETA(DisplayName = "Twin Sword"),


enum E_DamageType
	None			= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
	MeleeDamage		= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Melee Damage"),
	KnockdownDamage	= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Knockdown Damage"),


enum E_HitDirection
	Front			= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "Front"),
	Back			= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Back"),
	Left			= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Left"),
	Right			= 3	UMETA(DisplayName = "Right"),


enum E_MovementSpeedMode
	Walking			= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "Walking"),
	Jogging			= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Jogging"),
	Sprinting		= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Sprinting"),


enum E_RotationMode
	OrientToCamera		= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "OrientToCamera"),
	OrientToMovement	= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "OrientToMovement"),


enum E_Stats
	None			= 0	UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
	Health			= 1	UMETA(DisplayName = "Health"),
	Stamina			= 2	UMETA(DisplayName = "Stamina"),
	Armor			= 3	UMETA(DisplayName = "Armor"),

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