pip install nd2-extractor
For notebook use:
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
Then launch nd2_extractor_interactive.ipynb
in a Jupyter notebook.
$ nd2_extractor --help
usage: nd2_extractor.py [-h] --ND2_directory ND2_DIRECTORY --save_directory SAVE_DIRECTORY --save_type SAVE_TYPE [--workers WORKERS] [--t_stop T_STOP] [--fill_empty]
Extract and ND2 file to TIFF or PNG (zarr coming soon).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ND2_directory ND2_DIRECTORY
The absolute directory of the ND2 file.
--save_directory SAVE_DIRECTORY
The absolute directory of the extraction folder.
--save_type SAVE_TYPE
The file type to save as (PNG/TIFF/zarr).
--workers WORKERS The number of joblib workers to send to the extractor.
--t_stop T_STOP Extract up until this timepoint.
--fill_empty If supplied, will fill empty frames with empty images, or skip saving them. Will be ignored if zarr chosen.