This is the Python code implementation of Switzerland's downscaling aglorithm of Land Use & Land Cover data.
Dependencies: GDAL, NumPy, xlrd, Pandas
Two versions of the code are available:
- a single-node version to be executed on a single computer
- a parallelized version to be executed on a cluster together with a script for merging the processed tiles The expert table is also provided.
The Land Use/Land Cover data are freely available at Federal Office for Statistics and the base map at swisstopo TLM3D
The outputs are available on the University of Geneva Digital Repository Yareta and can be downloaded at:
The methodology and results are presented in the following (submitted) paper: Giuliani G., Rodila D., Külling N., Maggini R., Lehmann A., Downscaling Switzerland Land Use/Land Cover data using nearest neighbors and an expert system. Land