known bugs:
selecting all (songs or playlists) in multi select breaks unless you uncheck and check one of the options
popover starts working funny after a few popovers on same page
empty resource gives error?
playlist show view calls youtube API for every single song - very slow for large playlists
features to add:
discover music features
auto complete album and genre
add to playlist from song index - query strings as URLs
click forward/backward for different youtube embeds in fancybox
each song in show playlist view
each result in show song view
youtube embed always picks first result - maybe could be smarter?
search in navbar (top right)
user login
social media links
powered by & other music APIs
dropdown menus for browse by and discover new
rake db:migrate
app/models/song.rb => line 10 attr_protected
rake db:seed
app/models/song.rb => line 10 attr_accessible
rails s