My first Flutter app powered by GetX.
This is a Flutter application that provides a dashboard to monitor the performance of employees in an organization.
To get started with this project, create a flutter project, simply copy and paste the repository files into your project's root and open it in your preferred IDE. You will need to have Flutter installed on your machine to run the application.
Please note that this project requires a Back-end server to fully function. The Front-end code provided in this repository is designed to work with a corresponding Back-end system. You will need to set up and configure a Back-end server to integrate with this project.
This repository contains a Flutter app that can be installed on various platforms. Follow the instructions below to install the app on your local machine.
- Flutter SDK
- IDE (Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio Code)
- Emulator or physical device for testing
Install Flutter SDK:
- Download and install the Flutter SDK from the official website here.
- Add the Flutter SDK to your system's PATH variable.
Set up Flutter environment:
- Run
flutter doctor
in the terminal to check for any missing dependencies.
- Run
Install an IDE:
- Choose an IDE to develop your Flutter app and install the Flutter and Dart plugins.
Create a new Flutter project:
- Use your chosen IDE to create a new Flutter project.
Copy repository folders on your new project's root:
- Simply copy and paste the repository files into your project's root.
Run the app:
- Connect a device or use an emulator to run the app using the
flutter run
- Connect a device or use an emulator to run the app using the
Test the app:
- Test the app on different devices and screen sizes to ensure it works as expected.
Build and release the app:
- Once the app is ready, build and release it for distribution on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store or deploy it as a WebApp.