Easy solution to:
- Automatically preserve all the correct dates, times (including zones and microseconds), ownership, and access permissions on all your files in git
- Quickly set up a new non-cloud, non-github private git project on your own servers, which you and/or your team can work with from any number of other machines
- Optionally have your server automatically extract your files and keep them up-to-date (for example: so you can deploy to your webserver's live environment with "git push"
install it:
git clone https://github.com/gitcnd/git-meta.git sudo cp -a git-meta/git-meta.pl /usr/local/bin/
then either
set up to use it:
cd my_existing_repo git-meta.pl -setup -l /usr/local/bin/git-meta.pl
create a brand-new local project
git-meta.pl -newgit -l . MyProject /var/www/html/MyProject-optional-autoextract-folder
# creates the pre-commit and post-checkout hooks (see below)
cd ~/myrepo
git-meta.pl -setup -l /usr/local/bin/git-meta.pl
git-meta.pl -setup
# optional manual "save" usage (Typically this is called from the pre-commit) to preserve dates/times/ownership/permissions
cd ~/myrepo
git-meta.pl -save [optional list of files]
# optional manual "restore" usage (Typically called from post-checkout)
cd ~/myrepo
git-meta.pl -restore [optional list of files]
A git pre-commit hook is added, which creates the file ".git-meta" in your project and adds this to your commit.
.git-meta contains all the real file metadata in your project (correct dates and times, ownerships, permissions, etc)
A git post-checkout hook is added, which restores all the correct information from the .git-meta file
# Create a new local master repo, which preserves dates etc, and also automatically extracts files every time you push (handy for automatically deploying to a live web server through git-push for example)
# (handy for working on your own private mahcines, such as when maintaining web servers.)
perl git-meta.pl -master_location=/usr/local/apache2/gitblobs -newgit mynewproject /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/mynewproject
# creates a working 3-folder shared dev environment for production web server site
# Omitting "-master_location" will default to ~/gitblobs
# Uses `sudo chmod g+s` to allow for multi-user environemnts based on unix group permissions.
Note: adds the file .git-meta to your project
Run git-meta.pl with the -newgit option on your server (e.g. your web server) where your master files will live. e.g.
perl git-meta.pl -newgit MyProject /var/www/html/MyProject
A "master" folder where all your master files will live is created locally on that server, by default this will be in ~/gitblobs/MyProject A "working" folder where you check out and edit your files etc is create locally too: e.g. the example folder will be: ./MyProject An optional "live" folder is also created - this is where all your most up-to-date copies of your files will be auto-extracted into (e.g. typically your webroot folder, like /var/www/html/MyProject/ ) Permissions etc are correctly set up for teams to work on these files (see also the -group option) The "git-meta.pl -setup" option is applied locally too, so all your file dates/etc will be properly preserved at all times
You can then clone additional copies of the above onto other machines - e.g. your laptop, like this:
git clone ssh://your-server/home/username/gitblobs/MyProject
cd MyProject
git-meta.pl -setup -l .
be sure to run that `git-meta.pl -setup -l .` command: "git clone" does not automatically clone the hooks you need which are required to keep your dates/times/etc preserved.
-f # Specify the meta filename to use ( defaults to .git-meta )
-save # Save into the .git-meta. Saves all files if none are provided
-restore # Restore from the .git-meta. Restores all files if none are provided
-setup # create the necessary pre-commit and post-checkout files to activate this solution in your repo
-strict # Stop with errors instead of assume what the user wants (partially implimented)
-dryrun # Show what would be done, without doing it (partially implimented)
-l # use a symlink when doing setup, for pre-commit and post-checkout (e.g. -l /usr/local/bin/git-meta.pl) - otherwise - copies the file there.
-newgit # creates a working 3-folder shared dev environment for production web (or other) server site
-master_location# Where to store the master filess (defaults to ~/gitblobs/)
-group # which groupname do all developers belong to
-autopush # adds a post-commit hook that automatically does a "git push" every time you commit. (only works for the -setup command)
-debug # print everything going on
# lines starting with # are comments
octal file mode, owner, group, mtime, atime, spare1, spare2, filename
.git/hooks/pre-commit - this same perl script, when it has the name "pre-commit" assumes you're running "git-meta.pl -save" .git/hooks/post-checkout - this same perl script, when it has the name "post-checkout" assumes you're running "git-meta.pl -restore" .git/hooks/post-merge - this same perl script, when it has the name "post-merge" assumes you're running "git-meta.pl -restore" newgit.pl - this same perl script, when it has the name "newgit.pl", behaves as if the -newgit option was supplied - see below.
newgit.pl - create a new, optionally auto-extracting, private git repo, with preservation of file metadata (dates/time, permissions, ownership) -or- git-meta.pl -newgit
newgit.pl gitname [optional-auto-extract-location]
# creates gitname # this is where master files live. Uses $master_location/gitname unless gitname starts with /
# creates ./gitname # this is a local working folder for editing your files etc (you can "git clone" more of these later)
# maybe creates optional-auto-extract-location # this is where they'll be auto-extracted (properly includes mv/rm etc) upon all git push operations
SCREW_UP_DATES=1 newgit.pl gitname [optional-auto-extract-location]
# same as above, omitting the hooks which preserve dates/permissions/ownership
DRYRUN=1 newgit.pl gitname [optional-auto-extract-location]
DRYRUN=1 SCREW_UP_DATES=1 newgit.pl gitname [optional-auto-extract-location]
# same as either of the above two, but doing nothing (shows what commands will be executed)
Works natively
If this code is run inside Windows, it re-launches itself inside WSL to do its work.
Not tested
newgit.pl leoweb ~/leo/public_html
if there's no "/" within "gitname", it will put the files into $master_location/gitname (e.g. ~/gitblobs/gitname ) by default
git-meta.pl - solution for preserving all the correct file dates, times, ownership, and access permissions in git, and feature to prepare new git projects using your own machines (instead of a cloud or github)
Note-to-self: remember to do this before push:-
pod2markdown git-meta.pl README.md