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gits2501 committed Mar 24, 2018
0 parents commit 3f11509
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Showing 5 changed files with 711 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"name": "twiz-client-utils",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "utilities for twiz-client",
"main": "src/utils.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "tap -Rspec --cov test/*.js"
"author": "",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^5.0.5",
"tap": "^11.1.3"
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
'use strict'

function percentEncode(str){ // percent encode by RFC3986

return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c){ // percent encodes unsafe chars, then
// it follows RFC3986 and percent encodes
// reserved characters in sqere brackets.
return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); // takes binary representation of every reserved char
// , coverts it to hex string char and appends to "%".


function formEncode(dataObj, spaces){ // form encodes an object (optionaly changes '+' for '%20')
var pairs = [];
var value;
var key;
var type;
for(var name in dataObj){
type = typeof dataObj[name];
if(dataObj.hasOwnProperty(name) && type !== "function" && dataObj[name] !== "null"){ // only props
// in dataObj
key = percentEncode(name); // encode property name

if(type === 'object'){
value = formEncode(dataObj[name], spaces); // form encode object
value = percentEncode(value) // since return value is string, percent encode it
else value = percentEncode(dataObj[name]) // property is not object, percent encode it

key = key.replace(/%20/g, "+")
value = value.replace(/%20/g, "+"); // substitute space encoding for +

pairs.push(key + "=" + value)

return pairs.join("&");

var request = ( function request (){

var request = {};

request.messages = {
cbAlreadyCalled: "Callback function has already been called.",
cbWasNotCalled: "Calback function provided was not called.",
urlNotSet: "You must provide url for the request you make.",
callbackNotProvided: "Callback function was not provided.",
notJSON: 'Faileg to parse data as JSON',
encodingNotSupported: "Encoding you provided is not supported",
noContentType: "Failed to get content-type header from response"

request.initRequest = function(args){ // Propertie names, in args object, that this function supports are:
// url, queryParams, callback, httpMethod, body, beforeSend
this.request = this.createRequest(); // Creates XMLHttpRequest object
var temp; // Temporary place holder

for(var prop in args){ // iterates trough every argument provided
if(!args.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue;
temp = args[prop];
case "url":
this.setUrl(temp); // sets the reqest url
case "queryParams":
this.setQuery(temp); // Makes query string for url
case "callback":
this.addListener(temp); // Adds listener for succesful data retrieval and invokes callback
case "method":
this.method = temp.toUpperCase() || "GET" // request method
case "body": console.log("has DATA");
this.body = temp; // add body for request
case "parse":
this.parse = temp;
case "encoding":
this.encoding = temp;
case "beforeSend":
this.beforeSend = temp // For instance, if we need to set additonal request specific headers
// this.beforeSend is invoked before sending the request, but afther open()
// is called. Here we have created new property.

if(!this.url) throw new Error(this.messages.urlNotSet); // Throw error if url was not provided in args
if(!this.method) this.method = "GET"; // Defaults to "GET" method if one was not provided in args object
if (!this.request.onreadystatechange) throw new Error(this.messages.callbackNotProvided); // cb missing

// console.log("request Instance:", this, typeof this)
this.sendRequest(); // Makes the actual http request


request.createRequest = function(){
return new XMLHttpRequest(); // standard
catch(e){ console.log(e);
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // IE specific ...
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml12.XMLHTTP");
request.setUrl = function(url){
if(!this.url) this.url = url;
else this.url = url + this.url; // if setQueryParams() run before set url, we already have query string
// in "this.url". So "url" needs to go first.

request.setQuery = function(queryParams){
this.queryString = formEncode(queryParams);// Function uses form-url-encoded scheme to return query string
if(this.url.indexOf("?") === -1) this.url+="?"; // if doesnt have query delimiter add it.
this.url+= this.queryString; // Adds query string to url


request.addListener = function(callback) {
var alreadyCalled = false;

this.request.onreadystatechange = function(){

if(this.request.readyState === 4){

alreadyCalled = true;

var statusCode = this.request.status;
var contentType = this.request.getResponseHeader("Content-type");// Get the response's content type

this.invokeCallback(statusCode, contentType, callback);

}.bind(this); // Async functions lose -this- context because they start executing when functions that
// invoked them already finished their execution. Here we pass whatever "this" references
// in the moment addListener() is invoked. Meaning, "this" will repesent each
// instance of request, see return function below.

request.invokeCallback = function (statusCode, contentType, callback){
var error;
var data;
var temp;

if(!contentType) throw new Error(this.messages.noContentType);
var contentType = contentType.split(';')[0]; // get just type , in case there is charset specified

console.log('content-type: ', contentType)
switch(contentType){ // get request data from apropriate property, parse it if indicated
case "application/json":
try{ console.log('content-type is application/json')
if(this.parse) temp = JSON.parse(this.request.responseText); // parse json data
else temp = this.request.responseText;
console.log('temp afther JSON parsing: ', temp)
throw new Error(this.messages.notJSON + " \n"+ e); // if parsing failed note it
case "application/xml":
temp = this.request.responseXML; // responceXML already parsed as a DOM object
case "application/x-www-url-formencoded":
temp = {};
this.request.responseText.trim().split("&").forEach(function(el, i){ // split on &

var pairs = el.split('=');
var header = decodeURIComponent(pairs[0]); // decode header name
var value = decodeURIComponent(pairs[1]); // decode value
temp[header] = value; // adds to data header name and its value
}, temp)
temp = this.request.responseText;// text/html , text/css and others are treated as text

if(statusCode !== 200){ // on error create error object
error = { 'status': statusCode, 'statusText': this.request.statusText, 'data': temp }
else data = temp; // no error, data is object we got from payload

callback(error, data) // invoke callback


request.setHeader = function(header, value){ // set the request header
this.request.setRequestHeader(header, value);

request.setBody = function(){ // sets Content-Type encoding and encode the body of a request
console.log("In setBody")
if(this.body){ // check for data payload

if(!this.encoding){ // If there is no string that indicates encoding
this.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); // default to text, set the content type (was formEnc)
else {
switch(this.encoding.toLowerCase()){ // when there is encoding string
case "form":
this.body = formEncode(this.body) // encode the body
this.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-url-formencoded;charset=utf-8");
case "json":
this.body = JSON.stringify(this.body)
this.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
case "text":
this.setHeader("Content-Type", 'text/plain;charset=utf-8');
throw new Error(this.messages.encodingNotSupported);
else { = null; // set the body to null

request.sendRequest = function(){

if(this.request.readyState == "0"), this.url);// "0" means open() not called
if(this.beforeSend) this.beforeSend(this.request) // if user supplied beforeSend() func, call it.
console.log("This before setBody!", "req state:"+ this.request.readyState);

if(this.body) this.setBody();
else if(this.method === "POST") this.body = null; // set it to 'null' if there is no body and method
//is POST. This is just xmlhttp request spec.

if(this.method === "GET") this.request.send(null);
if(this.method === "POST") this.request.send(this.body);


return function(args){ // modul returns this function as API

var r = Object.create(request); // behavior delegation link

r.initRequest(args); // Initialise request and sends it, if args are provided
return; // if not , then return the object that indirectly, through closures
} // have access to prototype chain of request API. That is it has acess to
// an instance of request API (here it is "r").

return phantomHead = { initRequest: r.initRequest.bind(r) } // "borrow" method from instance, bind it to instance


function CustomError(){

this.messages = {}; // error messages place holder

this.addCustomErrors = function (errors){ // add custom error messages


this.messages[name] = errors[name];

this.CustomError = function(name){// uses built-in Error func to make custom err info

var err = Error(this.messages[name]); // take message text
err['name'] = name; // set error name
return err;


module.exports = {
percentEncode: percentEncode,
formEncode: formEncode,
request: request,
CustomError: CustomError
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions test/customerror.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
var test = require('tap').test;
var CustomError = require('../src/utils').CustomError;

function Bar (){;
'error1': 'description of error1',
'error2': 'desciption of error2'

Bar.prototype.throwError = function(condition1, condition2){
if(condition1) throw this.CustomError('error1')
if(condition2) throw this.CustomError('error2')

var bar = new Bar();

test('CustomError throw',function(t){

test('throw custom error1', function(t){

t.throw(bar.throwError.bind(bar, 'error1'), bar.messages.error1, 'throws error message: '+ bar.messages.error1 )

test('throw custom error2', function(t){

t.throw(bar.throwError.bind(bar, '', 'error2'), bar.messages.error1, 'throws error message: '+ bar.messages.error2 )



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