Kageboushi (かげぼうし 影法師) is a super simple tool to create your front-end web project super fast!
##Generate a project
To generate a new project:
$ ./build ~/yourNewProjectName
and when you'll be ask to select libraries to use like:
Select libraries you'd like to use(input the number split by space e.g. '0 1 2'):
[0]:bootstrap3 [1]:font-awesome [2]:jquery [3]:suzaku
just input something like
0 1 2
for useing bootstrap3, font-awesome and jquery
then your new project will be ready to use.
##Run your new project
cd to your project and run $ ```shell ./startServer
and a simple static server will run at localhost:8002
if you want to change the port, run
$ ./startServer --port=xxxx
Server script is in ./server/server.coffee and written in coffee-script
All request gose to ./static
##How it work WebBuilder will:
- copy binary file in bin/ and node_modules to your new project ensure server script can be run in an environment without nodejs.
- copy all files and dirs under webTemplate/ to your new project
- copy libs you choose from staticLibs/ to your newProject/static/libs
- generate index.html file and try to reference every js/css file from libs you choose into it
- put index.html file input newProject/static
(super simple isnt it ? lol)
##Modify template files just edit files in webTemplate/ for dir structure and template.html for index.html.
It'll work as your wish
##Add your own libs just add them into staticLibs/
you'll know how it work ( because it's super simple! )
##Wha Next?
- add more libs
- add '$./build lslib [keyword to search]' to list all libs
- add '$./build add {lib number} projectPath_or_htmlFile' to add a lib into an exist project(update all html to refference them automaticly)
- add package.json and publish to npm