Easy-to-use UltiSnips for Vim and Neovim
This repository contains the UltiSnip snippet files used during the writing sessions for all the research papers, presentations, and software development projects of Gregory M. Kapfhammer. Please note that all the snippets in this repository are "hard-coded" to work for my development environment and projects. Even though they are heavily customized, my hope is that they will give examples of different facets of writing snippets in UltiSnips. For reference, some of the snippets are extracted from the blog post How I'm Able to Take Notes in Mathematics Lectures Using LaTeX and Vim.
You can type the following command if you want to clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/gkapfham/snippets.git
Now, you can type cd snippets/UltiSnips
and start to browse the snippets that
are available. If you want to create the required symlinks for all of the
tmuxinators that are available in this repository, then you can type the
make snippets
Since snippets
is the default rule in the Makefile, you can also type:
If you have any problems with using these snippets for UltiSnips, then please raise an issue associated with this Git repository using the "Issues" link at the top of this repository. As the sole contributor to this repository, I will do everything possible to resolve your issue and ensure that all of the snippets clear and, potentially, best suited to working in your development environment. Remember, this repository is being made publicly available so as to provide examples of how to write snippets for UltiSnips. If you find that these files help you in preparing your own snippets, then I also encourage you to "star" and "watch" this project!