The main features of this workflow:
- Performs analysis of image noise statistics that allows determining optimal ratio of InLens and ESB signals for fused image with increased SNR.
- Performs image flattening to correct for non-uniform detector sensitivity.
- Allows various transformation models for stack registration (Rigid Translation, Translation and Scale, Similarity Transformation, Affine Transformation, as well as Regularized Affine Transformation).
- Allows for evaluation of the registration quality using various metrics (Normalized Sum of Absolute Differences, Normalized Cross-Correlation, Normalized Mutual Information, Fourier Shell Correlation).
- The resulting registered stack can be saved as a single MRC or HDF5 file (the registered stack is a DASK array, so extending it to Zarr or N5 should also be straightforward).
- Can be performed on a single workstation (with decent number of cores and memory). A month-long FIB-SEM acquisition takes about 2-3 days to process.
"Register_FIB-SEM_stack_DASK_v4_example1.ipynb" - Example Python Notebook for perfroming FIB-SEM stack registration of cultured cell sample.
"Register_FIB-SEM_stack_DASK_v4_example2.ipynb" - Example Python Notebook for perfroming FIB-SEM stack registration of tissue sample.
"Register_FIB-SEM_stack_DASK_v4_AMST.ipynb" - Python Notebook which performs FIB-SEM stack registration of AMST dataset and compares the results with AMST registration [1]
- J. Hennies et al, "AMST: Alignment to Median Smoothed Template for Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy Image Stacks", Sci. Rep. 10, 2004 (2020).
"Evaluate_FIB-SEM_MRC_stack_registrations.ipynb" - Python Notebook for evaluating FIB-SEM stack registration (works with stacks saved into MRC files, uses DASK)
In order to run the Python Notebook code, first, install basic Anaconda:
I have recently (2024) come across a problem. RANSAC implementation in skimage.measure (from skimage.measure.ransac) started working unreliably and frequently converges to incorrect solution with very small number of inliers. I am not 100% sure on the exact source of this behavior. I think the problem is caused by a modification in function dynamic_max_trials in scikit-image package (specifically, from version 0.19.2 to 0.20.00. So, for now I have created my own copies of the skimage.measure.dynamic_max_trials and skimage.measure.ransac
This package uses OpenCV implementation of SIFT. SIFT is part of standard OpenCV releases for version 3.4.1 or earlier. If you have newer version of OpenCV-python installed, SIFT will most likely be not part of it (because of patent issues), and the Python command sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() will generate error. In this case replace it with a version supporting SIFT using these commands (in anaconda command window):
Uninstall the OpenCV:
pip uninstall opencv-python
Then install the contrib version of OpenCV:
pip install opencv-contrib-python
Finally, you need to have Git installed, you get it here:
Then use pip to install the repository directly
pip install git+
You will also need to have these packages installed:
- mrcfile
- xlsxwriter
- npy2bdv (used to save the data into Big Data Viewer – compatible HDF5 format)
Depending on your distribution, you may need to install these as well :
- openpyxl
- pickle
- webbrowser
- IPython
get_spread(data, window=501, porder=3)
Calculates spread - standard deviation of the (signal - Sav-Gol smoothed signal)
get_min_max_thresholds(image, **kwargs)
Determines the data range (min and max) with given fractional thresholds for cumulative distribution.
radial_profile(data, center)
Calculates radially average profile of the 2D array (used for FRC and auto-correlation)
radial_profile_select_angles(data, center, **kwargs)
Calculates radially average profile of the 2D array (used for FRC) within a select range of angles (astart = 89, astop = 91, symm=4).
build_kernel_FFT_zero_destreaker_radii_angles(data, **kwargs)
Builds a de-streaking kernel to zero FFT data within a select range of angles.
build_kernel_FFT_zero_destreaker_XY(data, **kwargs):
Builds a de-streaking kernel to zero FFT data within a select ranges of x and y.
smooth(x, window_len=11, window='hanning')
smooth the data using a window with requested size.
add_scale_bar(ax, **kwargs)
Add a scale bar to the existing plot.
Single_Image_SNR(img, **kwargs)
Estimates SNR based on a single image.
Calculates SNR of a single image base on auto-correlation analysis after [1].
[1] J. T. L. Thong et al, Single-image signal-to-noise ratio estimation. Scanning, 328–336 (2001).
Single_Image_Noise_ROIs(img, Noise_ROIs, Hist_ROI, **kwargs)
Analyses the noise statistics in the selected ROI's of the EM data
Single_Image_Noise_Statistics(img, **kwargs)
Analyses the noise statistics of the EM data image.
Perform_2D_fit(img, estimator, **kwargs)
Bin the image and then perform 2D polynomial fit on the binned image.
mutual_information_2d(x, y, sigma=1, bin=256, normalized=False)
Computes (normalized) mutual information between two 1D variate from a joint histogram.
mutual_information_2d_cp(x, y, sigma=1, bin=256, normalized=False)
Computes (normalized) mutual information between two 1D variate from a joint histogram using CUPY package.
Two_Image_NCC_SNR(img1, img2, **kwargs)
Estimate normalized cross-correlation and SNR of two images. After:
[1] J. Frank, L. AI-Ali, Signal-to-noise ratio of electron micrographs obtained by cross correlation. Nature 256, 4 (1975).
[2] J. Frank, in: Computer Processing of Electron Microscopic Images. Ed. P.W. Hawkes (Springer, Berlin, 1980).
[3] M. Radermacher, T. Ruiz, On cross-correlations, averages and noise in electron microscopy. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Commun. 75, 12–18 (2019).
Two_Image_FSC(img1, img2, **kwargs)
Perform Fourier Shell Correlation to determine the image resolution, after [1].
[1] M. van Heela, and M. Schatzb, "Fourier shell correlation threshold criteria," Journal of Structural Biology 151, 250-262 (2005)
analyze_mrc_stack_registration(mrc_filename, **kwargs)
Read MRC stack and analyze registration - calculate NSAD, NCC, and MI.
show_eval_box_mrc_stack(mrc_filename, **kwargs)
Read MRC stack and display the eval box for each frame from the list.
bin_crop_mrc_stack(mrc_filename, **kwargs)
Bins and crops a 3D mrc stack along X-, Y-, or Z-directions and saves it into MRC or HDF5 format
plot_cross_sections_mrc_stack(mrc_filename, **kwargs)
Read MRC stack and plot the ortho cross-sections.
destreak_mrc_stack_with_kernel(mrc_filename, destreak_kernel, data_min, data_max, **kwargs)
Read MRC stack, destreak the data by performing FFT, multiplying it by kernel, and performing inverse FFT, and save it.
smooth_mrc_stack_with_kernel(mrc_filename, smooth_kernel, data_min, data_max, **kwargs)
Read MRC stack, smooth the data by performing 2D-convolution with smooth_kernel, and save the data.
analyze_tif_stack_registration(tif_filename, DASK_client, **kwargs)
Read TIF stack and analyze registration - calculate NSAD, NCC, and MI.
show_eval_box_tif_stack(tif_filename, **kwargs)
Read TIF stack and display the eval box for each frame from the list.
Reads transformation matrix created by FiJi-based workflow from *.xf file
analyze_transformation_matrix(transformation_matrix, xf_filename)
Analyzes the transformation matrix created by FiJi-based workflow
read_kwargs_xlsx(file_xlsx, kwargs_sheet_name, **kwargs)
Reads (SIFT processing) kwargs from XLSX file and returns them as dictionary.
generate_report_mill_rate_xlsx(Mill_Rate_Data_xlsx, **kwargs)
Generate Report Plot for mill rate evaluation from XLSX spreadsheet file.
generate_report_FOV_center_shift_xlsx(Mill_Rate_Data_xlsx, **kwargs)
Generate Report Plot for FOV center shift from XLSX spreadsheet file.
generate_report_transf_matrix_from_xlsx(transf_matrix_xlsx_file, *kwargs)
Generate Report Plot for Transformation Matrix from XLSX spreadsheet file.
generate_report_from_xls_registration_summary(file_xlsx, **kwargs)
Generate Report Plot for FIB-SEM data set registration from XLSX spreadsheet file.
plot_registrtion_quality_xlsx(data_files, labels, **kwargs):
Read and plot together multiple registration quality summaries (generated by the FIBSEM_dataset.transform_and_save method or by analyze_mrc_stack_registration function).
A class representing single FIB-SEM data frame. ©G.Shtengel 10/2021
Contains the info/settings on a single FIB-SEM data frame and the procedures that can be performed on it.
Attributes (only some more important are listed here)
fname : str
filename of the individual data frame
header : str
1024 bytes - header
FileVersion : int
file version number
ChanNum : int
Number of channels
EightBit : int
8-bit data switch: 0 for 16-bit data, 1 for 8-bit data
ScalingS : 2D array of floats
scaling parameters allowing to convert I16 data into actual electron counts
Sample_ID : str
Notes : str
Experiment notes
DetA : str
Detector A name
DetB : str
Detector B name ('None' if there is no Detector B)
XResolution : int
number of pixels - frame size in horisontal direction
YResolution : int
number of pixels - frame size in vertical direction
Prints a formatted content of the file header
Display auto-scaled detector images without saving the figure into the file.
Display auto-scaled detector images and save the figure into JPEG file (s).
save_images_tif(images_to_save = 'Both')
Save the detector images into TIF file (s).
get_image_min_max(image_name = 'ImageA', thr_min = 1.0e-4, thr_max = 1.0e-3, nbins=256, disp_res = False)
Calculates the data range of the EM data.
RawImageA_8bit_thresholds(thr_min = 1.0e-3, thr_max = 1.0e-3, data_min = -1, data_max = -1, nbins=256):
Convert the Image A into 8-bit array
RawImageB_8bit_thresholds(thr_min = 1.0e-3, thr_max = 1.0e-3, data_min = -1, data_max = -1, nbins=256):
Convert the Image B into 8-bit array
Builds an image that contains both the Detector A and Detector B (if present) images as well as a table with important FIB-SEM parameters.
Analyses the noise statistics in the selected ROI's of the EM data.
Analyses the noise statistics of the EM data image.
analyze_SNR_autocorr(image_name = 'RawImageA', **kwargs):
Estimates SNR using auto-correlation analysis of a single image.
Show the box used for evaluating the noise
determine_field_fattening_parameters(image_name = 'RawImageA', **kwargs):
Performs 2D parabolic fit (calls Perform_2D_fit(Img, estimator, **kwargs)) and determine the field-flattening parameters
flatten_image(image_name = 'RawImageA', **kwargs):
Flattens the image
A class representing a FIB-SEM data set. ©G.Shtengel 10/2021
Contains the info/settings on the FIB-SEM dataset and the procedures that can be performed on it.
fls : array of str
filenames for the individual data frames in the set
data_dir : str
data direcory (path)
Sample_ID : str
Sample ID
ftype : int
file type (0 - Shan Xu's .dat, 1 - tif)
fnm_reg : str
filename for the final registed dataset
threshold_min : float
CDF threshold for determining the minimum data value
threshold_max : float
CDF threshold for determining the maximum data value
nbins : int
number of histogram bins for building the PDF and CDF
sliding_minmax : boolean
if True - data min and max will be taken from data_min_sliding and data_max_sliding arrays
if False - same data_min_glob and data_max_glob will be used for all files
SIFT_nfeatures : int
SIFT libary default is 0. The number of best features to retain.
The features are ranked by their scores (measured in SIFT algorithm as the local contrast)
SIFT_nOctaveLayers : int
SIFT libary default is 3. The number of layers in each octave.
3 is the value used in D. Lowe paper. The number of octaves is computed automatically from the image resolution.
SIFT_contrastThreshold : double
SIFT libary default is 0.04. The contrast threshold used to filter out weak features in semi-uniform (low-contrast) regions.
The larger the threshold, the less features are produced by the detector.
The contrast threshold will be divided by nOctaveLayers when the filtering is applied.
When nOctaveLayers is set to default and if you want to use the value used in
D. Lowe paper (0.03), set this argument to 0.09.
SIFT_edgeThreshold : double
SIFT libary default is 10. The threshold used to filter out edge-like features.
Note that its meaning is different from the contrastThreshold,
i.e. the larger the edgeThreshold, the less features are filtered out
(more features are retained).
SIFT_sigma : double
SIFT library default is 1.6. The sigma of the Gaussian applied to the input image at the octave #0.
If your image is captured with a weak camera with soft lenses, you might want to reduce the number.
TransformType : object reference
Transformation model used by SIFT for determining the transformation matrix from Key-Point pairs.
Choose from the following options:
ShiftTransform - only x-shift and y-shift
XScaleShiftTransform - x-scale, x-shift, y-shift
ScaleShiftTransform - x-scale, y-scale, x-shift, y-shift
AffineTransform - full Affine (x-scale, y-scale, rotation, shear, x-shift, y-shift)
RegularizedAffineTransform - full Affine (x-scale, y-scale, rotation, shear, x-shift, y-shift) with regularization on deviation from ShiftTransform
l2_matrix : 2D float array
matrix of regularization (shrinkage) parameters
targ_vector = 1D float array
target vector for regularization
solver : str
Solver used for SIFT ('RANSAC' or 'LinReg')
drmax : float
In the case of 'RANSAC' - Maximum distance for a data point to be classified as an inlier.
In the case of 'LinReg' - outlier threshold for iterative regression
max_iter : int
Max number of iterations in the iterative procedure above (RANSAC or LinReg)
BFMatcher : boolean
If True, the BF Matcher is used for keypont matching, otherwise FLANN will be used
save_matches : boolean
If True, matches will be saved into individual files
kp_max_num : int
Max number of key-points to be matched.
Key-points in every frame are indexed (in descending order) by the strength of the response.
Only kp_max_num is kept for further processing.
Set this value to -1 if you want to keep ALL keypoints (may take forever to process!)
save_res_png : boolean
Save PNG images of the intermediate processing statistics and final registration quality check
dtp : Data Type
Python data type for saving. Deafult is int16, the other option currently is uint8.
zbin_factor : int
Bbinning factor in z-direction (milling direction). Data will be binned when saving the final result. Default is 1
eval_metrics : list of str
list of evaluation metrics to use. default is ['NSAD', 'NCC', 'NMI', 'FSC']
fnm_types : list of strings
File type(s) for output data. Options are: ['h5', 'mrc'].
Defauls is 'mrc'. 'h5' is BigDataViewer HDF5 format, uses npy2bdv package. Use empty list if do not want to save the data.
flipY : boolean
If True, the registered data will be flipped along Y-axis when saved. Default is False.
preserve_scales : boolean
If True, the cumulative transformation matrix will be adjusted using the settings defined by fit_params below.
fit_params : list
Example: ['SG', 501, 3] - perform the above adjustment using Savitzky-Golay (SG) filter with parameters - window size 501, polynomial order 3.
Other options are:
['LF'] - use linear fit with forces start points Sxx and Syy = 1 and Sxy and Syx = 0
['PF', 2] - use polynomial fit (in this case of order 2)
int_order : int
The order of interpolation (when transforming the data).
The order has to be in the range 0-5:
0: Nearest-neighbor
1: Bi-linear (default)
2: Bi-quadratic
3: Bi-cubic
4: Bi-quartic
5: Bi-quintic
subtract_linear_fit : [boolean, boolean]
List of two Boolean values for two directions: X- and Y-.
If True, the linear slopes along X- and Y- directions (respectively)
will be subtracted from the cumulative shifts.
This is performed after the optimal frame-to-frame shifts are recalculated for preserve_scales = True.
pad_edges : boolean
If True, the data will be padded before transformation to avoid clipping.
ImgB_fraction : float
fractional ratio of Image B to be used for constructing the fuksed image:
ImageFused = ImageA * (1.0-ImgB_fraction) + ImageB * ImgB_fraction
evaluation_box : list of 4 int
evaluation_box = [left, width, top, height] boundaries of the box used for evaluating the image registration.
if evaluation_box is not set or evaluation_box = [0, 0, 0, 0], the entire image is used.
SIFT_evaluation(eval_fls = [], **kwargs)
Evaluate SIFT settings and perfromance of few test frames (eval_fls).
Convert binary ".dat" files into ".tif" files
Evaluates parameters of FIBSEM data set (data Min/Max, Working Distance, Milling Y Voltage, FOV center positions).
Extract Key-Points and Descriptors
Determine transformation matrices for sequential frame pairs
Calculate cumulative transformation matrix
Save transformation attributes and parameters (including transformation matrices)
check_for_nomatch_frames(thr_npt, **kwargs)
Check for frames with low number of Key-Point matches, exclude them and re-calculate the cumulative transformation matrix
Transform the frames using the cumulative transformation matrix and save the data set into .mrc file
Show the box used for evaluating the registration quality
Estimate SNRs in Image A and Image B based on single-image SNR calculation.
evaluate_ImgB_fractions(ImgB_fractions, frame_inds, **kwargs)
Calculate NCC and SNR vs Image B fraction over a set of frames.
Estimate transitions in the image, uses select_blobs_LoG_analyze_transitions(frame_eval, **kwargs).