Image Processing with PIL (Pillow) and cImage.
image-filter originated from assignments in (Iteration Chapter).
It applies different filters/algorithms to an image file, displays the changes and writes a new file.
Both the PIL (Pillow) and cImage libraries must be present on your system.
Available filters/methods:
invert - Inverts all pixels in the given image.
greyscale - Turns picture into a grey version by averaging each pixels RBG values.
blackwhite - Creates a black and white version of the given image.
removecolor - Removes one color (currently only red) from the picture.
sepia - Applies the sepia filter to the given image.
double - Doubles the size of the image.
average - Smoothes out the image by averaging the 8 neighbors of a pixel.
median - Same thing as average but using a median. Likely gives better results.
sobel - Outlines the edges in the picture white, everything else gets dark. Looks cool!
Please note that this was a learning exercise. Do not use these filters with
large images as the execution time is O(n) or worse.