This repository contains MathIOmica, a Mathematica package written in the Wolfram Language that provides bioinformatics utilities for analyzing (dynamic) omics datasets.
To install MathIOmica, download the file, unzip it and follow the instructions in the README.txt file therein.
Mathematica Versions
- 12.2: MathIOmica 1.2.5 functional for Mathematica
- 12.1: MathIOmica 1.2.4 functional for Mathematica 12.1.0+
- 12.0: MathIOmica 1.2.1 functional for Mathematica 12.0.0
- 11.3: MathIOmica 1.1.3 functional for Mathematica 11.3 for KEGG analysis compatibility and new documentation indexing
- 11.2: MathIOmica 1.1.2 functionality updated for Mathematica 11.2 for import function compatibility and new documentation indexing
- 11.1: Use MathIOmica version 1.1.0 for compatibility with Mathematica 11.1
To install MathIOmica on any platform you need:
1. Mathematica version 12.1 or higher (see above and releases for earlier compatibility MathIOmica versions)
2. Recommended: 16GB of RAM or higher
1. Open Mathematica (version 12.1 and higher)
2. In the File menu select Install...
3. In the popup menu choose the following for each item:
-- "Type of Item to Install:" Application
-- "Source": From Directory...
- Navigate to and select the "MathIOmica" directory
-- Choose "Install for this User Only (username)"
4. Press OK.
5. Quit and restart Mathematica
6. The package should now available with <<MathIOmica`
7. Documentation should be available in Mathematica's help browser (search for MathIOmica)
Documentation for MathIOmica is built-in and is available through Mathematica's help browser following installation as indicated above.
- MathIOmica is a multi-omics analysis framework distributed as a Mathematica package that aims to assist in bioinformatics.
- The most current version of the package is maintained at and
- News are distributed via twitter (@mathiomica) and on the website
Please consult the folder LICENSES distributed with MathIOmica regarding Licensing information for MathIOmica and associated content.
George I. Mias
- G. Mias Lab (
- e-mail:
- twitter: @mathiomica