go-runner watches for changes in *.go, go.mod and go.sum files and recompiles/restarts the go program in the current directory.
go-runner requires at least go1.11 and a runnable main function in the working directory. If you use modules, dependencies will be downloaded automatically, otherwise you need to download them manually.
Caveats: A binary that creates own child processes, will not work well with go-runner. This is because at the moment go-runner can only kill the main process. Furthermore if delve is used, the main program starts after a debugger client connects to the delve server.
Usage for go-runner | Version 0.2.0:
go-runner [Options] [-- arguments (ex. -c config.json --http=:8080 1234)]
-a, --address ip Listen address for delve (default
-v, --api-version int API version to use for delve server (default 2)
-e, --entry string The directory with the main.go file (default "./")
-x, --exclude-dirs strings Don't listen to changes in these directories
-h, --help Show help
-p, --port uint16 Listen port for delve (default 2345)
-s, --skip-tests Don't run any tests
-r, --test-non-recursive Don't run tests recursively
-t, --tests strings Test directories in which the go test command will be executed (default [./])
-d, --use-dlv Use delve to run the program
-w, --watch-dirs strings Directories to listen recursively for file changes (*.go, go.mod, go.sum) (default [./])