Handy CLI accessing generative AI.
brew install go-zen-chu/tools/aictl
You can download from GitHub release.
If you have any trouble, use -v
for verbosing logs.
Currently aictl supports only environment variable.
export AICTL_OPENAI_API_KEY="your openai api key here"
$ aictl query "How is the weather today?"
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time weather information. You can check your local weather service or a weather app for the most accurate updates.
# you can ask in any language
$ aictl query "今日の天気はどうですか?"
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time weather information. You can check your local weather service or a weather app for the most accurate updates.
$ echo "How is the weather today?" | aictl query -i
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide real-time weather information. You can check your local weather service or a weather app for the most accurate updates.
# Since, we got response as stdout, aictl's error as stderr you can pipe command results
$ aictl query "Hello" | aictl query -i | aictl query -i
Hello! How can I assist you today?
# To see how AI respond in each command, tee to stderr with pipe
$ echo $(./aictl query "Hello") | tee /dev/stderr | ./aictl query -i
Hello! How can I assist you today?
Hello! I'm here to assist you. How can I help you today?
$ echo "How is the weather today?" | aictl query -o json -i
"error": "Weather information is not available."
$ aictl query -ljapanese "Hello"
# You can specify in any language too if double quoted
$ aictl query -l"中文" "Hello"
If you give large files, you may get an error from API because of the number of tokens limit
$ aictl query "Why I got error in this Golang file?" -t ./testdata/go_error_sample1.go,./testdata/go_error_sample2.go
In your first Golang file, the error arises because the `fmt.Printf` function is called without providing the necessary arguments...
# By giving a files list of `git diff`, you can do a code review for changed files
$ aictl query -t "$(git diff --name-only HEAD origin/main | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/')" "Could you give me a code review for each files with filename?"
Here's a code review for each file you've provided. The review will focus on structure, style, best practices, potential improvements, and any other relevant aspects.
### File: `README.md`
#### Review
1. **Structure**: The README has a clear structure that helps users understand what the project is about, how to authenticate, usage in the terminal, and usage in CI.
# If you want to review only diffs of the files, give a diff text
$ aictl query "Could you give me a code review for the diff below? \
These diffs are the result of \`git diff --no-ext-diff\` command. \
$(git diff --no-ext-diff)"
name | value type | required | default | description |
query | string | * | - | Query that you want to ask to generative AI |
output | string | - | text |
Response format. You can specify text or json . In text format, you can ask your response format in query to get other format like yaml but the actual response may differ according to AI response. |
language | string | - | English |
Which language you want to get response. |
text-files | string | - | - | An array of text file paths added to query seperated with comma (e.g. file1.go,file2.txt) |
Please refer to Passing information between jobs - GitHub Docs for accessing to step outputs.
name | value type | description |
response | string | output from generative AI |
Make sure to create API KEY in OpenAI and set secrets.AICTL_OPENAI_API_KEY
in your github repository before running actions below.
Check API Reference - OpenAI API for the API key.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Example 1, a simple query
- uses: go-zen-chu/aictl@main
query: "Hello! GitHub Action"
# Example 2, a query with multiline
- uses: go-zen-chu/aictl@main
query: |
Let me ask a question.
Why I got error in this Golang file?
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Example 3, specifing an output format and response language
- uses: go-zen-chu/aictl@main
query: "How are you doing?"
language: "Japanese"
output: "json"
name: check-pr
types: [opened, synchronize]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
pull-requests: write
- name: Get number of commits for fetch depth
run: echo "fetch_depth=$(( commits + 1 ))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
commits: ${{ github.event.pull_request.commits }}
- name: Git checkout until fetch-depth
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: ${{ env.fetch_depth }}
# need to specify ref to fetch PR head, otherwise you get main branch with no HEAD
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- name: Fetch base branch as origin
run: git fetch origin ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}
- name: Get the diff between PR and origin branch
id: git-diff
run: |
# If fetch-depth is not specified in checkout, HEAD cannot be found
# Make sure to filter out deleted file in `git diff` since you cannot review deleted files
diff_files=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR origin/${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}..HEAD | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/')
echo "diff_files: ${diff_files}"
echo "diff-files=${diff_files}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# In PR, you cannot get `github.event.head_commit.message` so you need to get commit message via git log
commit_msg=$(git log --format=%B -n 1 ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }})
echo "commit_msg: ${commit_msg}"
echo "commit-msg=${commit_msg}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Run aictl for code review
id: aictl-review
uses: ./ # specify dir where action.yml exists
if: ${{ steps.git-diff.outputs.diff-files != '' && !contains(steps.git-diff.outputs.commit-msg, '[skip ai]') }}
query: Give me a code review summary and reviews for each file.
text-files: ${{ steps.git-diff.outputs.diff-files }}
- name: Post aictl review result to PR comment
if: steps.aictl-review.outcome != 'skipped'
run: |
# make sure to checkout to pr branch and resolve detached HEAD state
git checkout ${{ github.ref_name }}
# TIPS: surrounding with single quote, you can ignore `code` string in outputs
cat <<'AICTL_REVIEW_EOF' > response.md
${{ steps.aictl-review.outputs.response }}
gh pr comment --body-file response.md "${URL}"
URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}
You can use aictl in any CI using docker image.
We use magefile to make development easier.
# install required tools
mage installDevTools
# after main branch updated push new version tag
mage gitPushTag