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Microsoft .xlsx read/write for golang with high performance

Basic Usage


To get the package, execute:

go get

To import this package, add the following line to your code:

import ""

Create spreadsheet

Here is example usage that will create xlsx file.

package main

import (


func main() {
    doc := xlsx.NewFile()

    // open default sheet "Sheet1"
    sheet := doc.OpenSheet("Sheet1")

    // write values
    valueCol := ColumnNumber("B")
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("A"), 1, "Name") // A1 = Name
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("A"), 2, "Jason") // A2 = Json
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("B"), 1, "Score") // B1 = Score
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("B"), 2, 100) // B2 = 100
    // get cell style
    style := sheet.GetAxisCellStyle("A1")
    // set border style
    style.Border.BottomBorder = xlsx.BorderStyleThin
    style.Border.BottomBorderColor = xlsx.Color{
        Color: "FF0000",
    // set cell alignment
    style.Alignment.Horizontal = xlsx.HorizontalAlignmentCenter
    style.Alignment.Vertical = xlsx.VerticalAlignmentCenter
    // set font style
    style.Font.Bold = true
    // set cell style
    sheet.SetAxisCellStyle("A1", style)
    sheet.SetAxisCellStyle("B1", style)

    // time value
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("C1", "Date") // C1 = Date
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("C2", time.Date(1980, 9, 8, 23, 40, 10, 40, time.UTC)) // C2 = 1980-09-08 23:40

    // duration value
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("D1", "Duration") // D1 = Duration
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("D2", 30*time.Second) // D2 = 00:00:30

    // time value with custom format
    sheet.AxisCell("E1").SetStringValue("LastTime") // D1 = LastTime
        SetNumberFormat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") // D2 = 2022-08-23 20:08:08 (your current time)

    // set formula

    // SetColumnStyle example
    fStyle := sheet.GetColumnStyle(xlsx.ColumnNumber("F"))
    fStyle.Alignment.Horizontal = xlsx.HorizontalAlignmentLeft
    fStyle.Alignment.Vertical = xlsx.VerticalAlignmentCenter
    sheet.SetColumnStyle(xlsx.ColumnNumber("F"), fStyle)

    // set cell border
    sheet.SetAxisCellBorder("F3", xlsx.BorderStyleThin, xlsx.Color{Color: "0000FF"}, true, true, true, true)

    // save to file
    if err := doc.SaveFile("Document1.xlsx"); err != nil {

Reading spreadsheet

The following constitutes the bare to read a spreadsheet document.

package main

import (


func main() {
    // open exists document
    doc, err := xlsx.OpenFile("Document1.xlsx")
    if err != nil {

    // open exists sheet
    sheet := doc.OpenSheet("Sheet2")

    // read cell string
    a1String := sheet.Cell(1, 1).GetStringValue()

    // cell object read
    cell := sheet.AxisCell("B2")

Write spreadsheet as stream

Write document as a stream.

package main

import (


func main() {
    // open file to write
    f, err := os.OpenFile("Document1.xlsx", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {
    defer f.Close()

    doc := xlsx.NewFile()

    // do something with doc
    // ...

    // write to file or any io.Writer as stream

NewFile with options

You can specify default configurations when calling xlsx.NewFile.

package main

import (


func main() {
    // set document: default font name, default font size, default sheet name
    doc := xlsx.NewFile(xlsx.WithDefaultFontName("Arial"), xlsx.WithDefaultFontSize(12), xlsx.WithDefaultSheetName("Tab1"))

    // do something with doc
    // ...


  • Basic File Format
  • File: NewFile, OpenFile, SaveFile, Save, Sheets
  • Sheet:
    • NewSheet, OpenSheet
    • Name, SetCellValue, Cell, AxisCell, SetAxisCellValue, SetColumnWidth, GetColumnWidth, MergeCell, SetColumnStyle, GetColumnStyle, MaxRow
  • Cell:
    • Row, Col
    • SetValue, SetIntValue, SetFloatValue, SetFloatValuePrec, SetStringValue, SetBoolValue, SetDefaultValue, SetTimeValue, SetDateValue, SetDurationValue, SetStyle, SetCellBorder, SetFormula
    • GetIntValue, GetStringValue, GetFloatValue, GetBoolValue, GetTimeValue, GetDurationValue, GetStyle, GetFormula
    • SetNumberFormat