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Plugin with the Golang Spell commands for adding Redis capabilities to the project

Golang Spell

The Core project contains the core commands (and the respective templates) of the platform Golang Spell.

Test and coverage

Run the tests

TESTRUN=true go test ./... -coverprofile=cover.out

go tool cover -html=cover.out

Install golangci-lint and run lint:

golangci-lint run


To install the golangspell-redis spell use the command

golangspell addspell golangspell-redis


To update the golangspell-redis version use the command

golangspell updatespell golangspell-redis


Go to the project root and run the command:

golangspell redisinit

The command will add the Redis infrastructure files:

  • domain/cache.go: contains the Cache Interface with the cache component specification and the GetCache() function, which returns the cache component available in the application context

  • domain/lock.go: contains the Locker Interface containing the distributed Locker component specification, the Lock handle interface specification and the GetLocker() function, which returns the Locker component available in the application context

  • gateway/redis/redis_client.go: contains the Redis cache implementation

  • gateway/redis/redis_lock.go: contains the Redis lock implementation

For using the Locker feature follow this example:

	logger := config.GetLogger
	defer logger().Sync()

    lockIdentifier := "MyLockIdentifier"
    lock, err := domain.GetLocker().ObtainLock(lockIdentifier, 900*time.Millisecond)
    if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Could not obtain lock for key %s. Message: %s\n", lockIdentifier, err.Error())
		return err

    //TODO: Add here the logic to be run protected from concurrent changes during your specified lock TTL

    _ = lock.Release()

For adding a value to the cache follow this example (in the example the TTL is 10 hours):

	logger := config.GetLogger
	defer logger().Sync()

    cacheKey := "MyCacheKey"
    cachedValue := "MyCachedValue"
    err := domain.GetCache().Set(cacheKey, cachedValue, 10*time.Hour)
    if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Could not set a value in the cache. Message: %s\n", err.Error())
		return err

For getting a value from the cache follow this example:

	logger := config.GetLogger
	defer logger().Sync()

    cacheKey := "MyCacheKey"
    value, err := domain.GetCache().Get(cacheKey)
    if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Could not set a value in the cache. Message: %s\n", err.Error())
		return err

    logger().Infof("My cache value is: %s", value)

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