Use the package manager pip to install django-i18n
pip3 install django-i18n
Before using library, you need setup some things in your django project, please follow this steps
- Setup all required variables in your
LOCALE = 'es' # Mandatory
LOCALE_FALLBACK = 'en' # Optional, default = 'en'
LOCALES = ['es'] # Mandatory
LOCALES_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locales') # Optional, default path './locales' folder
- After that, you need create a locales folder (Setted in LOCALES_PATH variable in your, inside your folder you need some yml files with EXACT names as you setted in LOCALES variable, next you can see an example
title: "An incredible title"
content: "Hello %{name}"
from import translate, set_locale, handle_orm_errors
# OR
translate('my.content', name='World')
# Set locale
set_locale(locale="en", fallback="es") # Fallback is optional, default value is 'en'
# Handle ORM errors
form = MyForm(data)
handle_orm_errors(list_errors=form.errors, as_json=False)
# List errors is a Django forms errors
#as_json return dict as json string
{% load t from django_i18n %}
<title>{% t 'my.title' %}</title>
<h1>{% t 'my.content' name='World' %}</h1>
If you have setted a fallback, each translation may be return
#> Fallback: An incredible title
If that key doesn't exists in your locale and your fallback, this is the response
#> Translation missin my.locale2
- Forms complete support handler
- Default messages for Django forms
- Other supported formats
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.