Implementation of an automatic tool for the MC/DC code coverage in C (and first approach in Python). Calculation is iterative to be light in memory and it was optimized to use multiple threads (defined by the user).
These instructions will let you know how to install and use the tool on your machine. For the installation, it will be assumed that you are in an Unix based system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
First of all, clone the repository to your local machine
git clone
Go to the folder with the C program
cd mcdc/C
Build the source code in your machine
make clean && make all
To setup the tool, edit the file
You can change the number of threads, and the function you're analyzing (be careful to also change the number of arguments, accordingly).
To execute, run the command
make run
- C
- Python 3
- Gonçalo Raposo - gonced8
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details