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Kevin Reid edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision

(legacy summary: How to install Caja and run it from the command line.)

Getting Started with Caja


Basic familiarity with Java, including

  • how to manage a CLASSPATH
  • how to run a Java app from the command line
  • how to run a Java app from within an IDE like Eclipse. For more information on those topics, see PATH and CLASSPATH, the command line.

Caja requires

If you intend to contribute patches to Caja (and we would love you to do that, see ContributingCode for how), you need to sign a Contributor Licence Agreement (either the individual CLA or the corporate CLA, depending on your situation). Note that patches are accepted at the discretion of the development team. Membership of the development team will be offered to those who consistently make positive contributions.

Building Caja via Ant

Follow the instructions at to checkout the Caja source.

You should see a lot of lines like this:

A  google-caja
A  google-caja/docs

Then, from the command line:

$ cd google-caja
$ ant

If Ant is properly installed, you should see something like this:

Buildfile: build.xml

    [mkdir] Created dir: ...

     [copy] Copying 13 files to ant-jars
      [jar] Building jar: ant-jars/pluginc.jar
      [jar] Building jar: ant-jars/pluginc-src.jar


Total time: 55 seconds

You can see the set of ant targets by running ant -projecthelp.

  • ant runtests will build and run tests
  • ant clean will wipe out all generated files, so you can rebuild from scratch

If you look at the directory structure after building, you'll see a number of ant-* directories

  • ant-lib - compiled class files and resources
  • ant-jars - all the jars needed to run the Cajoler. To run the Cajoler from a command-line, use the bin/cajole_html script.
  • ant-reports/tests/index.html - unit test status and logs
  • ant-reports/coverage/index.html - EMMA test coverage reports. See ant emma runtests.
  • ant-www - demo output. See ant demos
  • ant-docs - javadoc (and eventually jsdoc) output.

Problems running Ant

If you see the following error when running ant, try upgrading to Ant 1.7:

google-caja/build.xml:144: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/types/ResourceCollection

If you get a complaint about Java running out of heap memory, set ANT_OPTS to the additional option to be passed to your Java for increasing heap memory. For example, if you use bash and Sun's JDK, placing the following in your ~/.bashrc file increase your maximum Java heap size to 300MB:

export ANT_OPTS=-Xmx300M

Building Caja via Eclipse

Caja includes a script for creating a Eclipse project file. Eclipse relies on some files created by the ant build. Once you have checked out the caja source, run ant as follows:

$ cd google-caja
$ ant

Check that your ANT_HOME environment variable is set correctly. If it isn't, set it. For example, if you use bash and your ant is installed at /usr/share/ant, place the following in your ~/.bashrc file:

export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant

Now create an eclipse project:

$ ./tools/myvn eclipse

From inside eclipse, import the project from the File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace option. Select the Caja checkout directory as the root directory and import the project.

Run the JUnit tests to ensure everything was checked out correctly.

Code Layout

+--docs : documentation files.
+--src : source code (java and javascript)
|  |
|  +--com
|     |
|     +--google
|        |
|        +--caja
|           |
|           +--lexer : Tokenization and escaping
|           |
|           +--parser : Parsers and tree implementations
|           |  |
|           | : Main parse tree interface
|           |  |
|           |  +--quasiliteral : Syntactic sugar for parse tree xforms
|           |
|           +--opensocial : Dealing with Gadget specs
|           |
|           +--plugin : Transformations
|           |  |
|           | : main class
|           |  |
|           |  +--stages : Parse tree transforms
|           |
|           +--reporting : Error and warning messaging.
+--tests : test files and resources

Other Resources : The source code repository, bug tracker, and wiki. : The public discussion list. periodically generates test and coverage status reports, and includes a snapshot of generated code, including the Testbed applet and other demos that can be linked to.

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