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Kevin Reid edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision

(legacy summary: How to tame libraries.)

See NiceNeighbor for background.


Ideally any library you use will be included prior to Cajoling, and so will be cajoled and thus not need to be tamed.

However, libraries sometimes provide facilities which cannot be provided using the safe subset of Javascript that Caja provides. In that case, the library will have to be run outside the Cajoled code, within your container, and an interface to the library provided to Cajoled code. This process is known as "taming".


Exposing The Library

First of all, the Cajoled code needs some means to access the library. In your container you should have some code looking something like this

  var imports = ___.copy(___.sharedImports);
  imports.outers = imports;
  imports.$v = ___.asFunc(valijaMaker)(imports);

Anything you attach to imports becomes a "global" variable in the scope of the Cajoled gadget (remembering that Caja rewrites globals to become properties of the imports object).

So, let's say that your library is exposed to your container through some object called mylibrary. The simplest thing to do is to expose that object like so

imports.mylibrary = mylibrary;

Now the Cajoled code can see the library, but it does not necessarily have access to its properties yet. Numeric properties and "length" are always accessible. Properties that end in double underscore ("__") are "unmentionable", and so are never accessible. If mylibrary is a record or array (see CajitaValues for definitions), then all its mentionable properties are accessible. Otherwise, mentionable properties must be individually granted in order to be accessible from cajoled code.

Taming simple properties

Suppose your library exposes a property called someProperty. You can grant a cajoled program read access to someProperty like this:

___.grantRead(mylibrary, 'someProperty');

This would allow the Cajoled code to read mylibrary.someProperty but not to write or execute it. Similarly you can grant write access with ___.grantSet(object, 'property'). Assuming that object[property] is a simple-function (a function that does not mention this) you grant call and read access together with ___.grantFunc(object,'property'). Otherwise, you must use one of the ___.grant*Method(object, 'property') calls explained at NiceNeighbor.

Constructors are are marked as such with ___.markCtor(class, parent,'classname'). This enables cajoled code to call them with new. Stand-alone simple-functions are marked as such with ___.markFuncFreeze(func, 'name'). This enables cajoled code to call them as functions.

Taming callbacks and functions as arguments

Some functions which you want to tame take other functions as parameters or return functions as results. Taming these functions is more involved. Suppose you want to tame the following function in your library:

  function registerCallback(callback) {
    var result = someOperation();

When a cajoled program calls registerCallback, the callback function it passes as an argument has already been cajoled. Caja cajoles functions to an object or function which has three properties, call, bind and apply. Remember that your taming code is not cajoled and thus wields an uncontrolled amount of authority. In particular, the default binding for occurrences of this is the global object window, and naively granting callback access to the global object will allow a cajoled program to break out of its sandbox completely.

The safe and recommended taming of a callback function like the one above would be to bind occurrences of this inside callback to something that was useless and granted no additional authority. The caja library provides one such object called ___.USELESS. Suppose the callback function expects one argument. We can tame is as follows:

   function tameRegisterCallack(cajoledCallback) {
     function rawCallback(result) {
       return ___.callPub(cajoledCallback, 'call', [___.USELESS, result]);
     return registerCallback(rawCallback);

Taming functions as returns values

Similarly, your library function may return a function itself. For example:

   function makeAdder() {
     return function(s) { return s+1; }  

In this case, taming your library by marking makeAdder callable is not sufficient because the function it returns will not itself be callable by a cajoled program. The solution is to tame makeAdder by marking the result it returns as callable:

  function tameMakeAdder() {
    return ___.markFuncFreeze(makeAdder());

Simplified taming of libraries

As you can see above, if a large number of functions in the library you are taming take functions as arguments or return other functions, taming a library can become very tedious and error prone. Caja provides a simpler means of taming such functions using tamesTo, tamesToSelf, tame and untame.

The tamesTo function allows you to associate an untamed function (which we call feral functions) with their tamed counterpart and vice versa. A feral object is one safe to make accessible to trusted but possibly innocent uncajoled code. A tame object is one safe to make accessible to untrusted cajoled code. Most tamed objects should be both feral and tame and are safe to be accessed from both the feral and tame worlds. An object can be marked safe to be accessed by both feral and tame worlds using tamesToSelf.

Once feral and tamed objects have been paired, a container writer can easily tame a function using tame. The function call tame(f) returns an object which can be safely passed to cajoled code. In particular, marked functions will be wrapped such that their arguments are untamed before the original function is called and its result tamed before it is returned.

For example makeAdder can be tamed just by marking it as a function and calling tame:

   function makeAdder() {
     return function(s) { return s+1; }  
   tameAdder = ___.tame(makeAdder);

Caveats while taming libraries

Obviously because the library you have exposed is not cajoled, it could do anything. So, you must ensure that it doesn't do anything that would allow the cajoled code to break out of its sandbox.

Firstly, only grant permissions to things you absolutely have to grant permissions to.

Secondly, anything you do grant permission to has to be carefully reviewed to make sure it is safe. Some things to avoid are

  • Use of eval() on anything controlled by the caller.
    • If eval() is really necessary then you must construct what is evaled very carefully to ensure it cannot be abused by the caller.
  • Setting innerHTML on DOM nodes. Any caller-controlled input must be sanitised to avoid the use of script tags and the like. The easiest way to do this is to use the HTML sanitizer supplied with Caja need reference for how to do this.

Sometimes the easiest way to deal with these issues (especially if the library is a third-party library) is to wrap the dangerous functions in functions of your own that sanitize or otherwise restrict the inputs to the "real" functions.

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