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Kevin Reid edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision


Caja and SES had several vulnerabilities with a variety of causes.

  • Browser progress implementing EcmaScript 6
  • A recent change in the EcmaScript 6 spec
  • Bugs in browsers

(SES is Secure EcmaScript, the component of modern Caja that deals with JavaScript. It is also independently useful outside the browser.)

Browser progress implementing EcmaScript 6

The latest draft standard of JavaScript is the 6th edition of the EcmaScript standard, also known as EcmaScript 2015. Here, we will refer to that as ES6, and to the latest official standard EcmaScript, the 5th edition, as ES5.

Caja's taming of JavaScript is based on a whitelist, which lists all the objects, properties, and methods of the JavaScript API that we decide are safe to expose. This includes all of the ES5 API and some of the ES6 API as they get deployed and we deem them safe. Until ES6 deployments are more mature, Caja's focus for now remains to provide a safe subset of ES5.

We had assumed that elements of ES6 we omit from our whitelist were also elements whose taming we could postpone reasoning about. We missed two avenues by which elements not on our whitelist could nevertheless be reached:

  1. An object on our whitelist might directly inherit from an object not on our whitelist, enabling the non-whitelisted object to be reached by prototype traversal. But we forgot to test these inheritance links against our whitelist during initialization, in order to catch such omissions.
  2. Besides API, which our whitelist handles, ES6 also introduces new syntax by which new ES6 objects are reachable. Specifically, ES6's generator function syntax, function*(){} evaluates to a new generator function object which directly inherits from the new %Generator% object. A variety of other new objects are reachable from %Generator%, about which more later. A goal of modern Caja is to avoid the need for parsing, so we must remain safe as such new syntax is introduced.

We whitelisted the typed-array classes initially according to the Khronos specification. By the time they became the ES6 typed-array specification, all these new typed-array classes directly inherit from a new %TypedArray% superclass. Because of our first mistake above, we missed that added superclass.

Another new ES6 syntactic construct by which a whole menagerie of new objects would become reachable is the import syntax of ES6 modules. An ES6 import statement may only occur in module source text. We are currently safe from these because untrusted code only enters a SES environment through some variant of eval or the Function constructor, neither of which may accept module syntax. As a precaution, this release also tests to ensure that import statements are indeed safely rejected.

A recent change in the EcmaScript 6 spec

In ES5, if evaluates to, for example, "[object Date]", we could be sure that the value of x was a genuine Date object, an instance of the builtin Date data type. This was, by design, a reliable branding mechanism, and Caja's implementation depended on this reliability in a few places.

Unfortunately, it is a non-extensible branding mechanism, useful for distinguishing some built in types but useless for distinguishing anything else. ES6 had adopted a compromise to preserve the security it had in ES5 while nevertheless allowing some extensibility for cosmetic, not security, purposes. After reviewing how Caja was using it, we decided we could switch to other mechanisms that would remain reliable. The spec could then standardize on a non-kludgy extensibility mechanism.

We have now switched to other mechanisms when needed for secure branding, so we are no longer endangered by browsers implementing this new spec.

Bugs in browsers

Mozilla shared their undisclosed SpiderMonkey (Firefox) extensibility bug 1125389 with us, that allows an attacker to breach Caja's isolation guarantees, enabling two confined instances of code to communicate with each other without permission. The bug is that non-extensible objects can be made extensible, and then extended, by use of a delicate coding pattern triggering a flaw in SpiderMonkey's optimization logic. Mozilla also gave us enough information so that we could both test for the existence of this vulnerability, and repair it in Caja when it occurs. They have reviewed both our test and repair and confirmed that it does cope with their issue.

We reported undisclosed V8 (Chrome, Opera) non-configurability bug 3902 to V8 and Chrome teams, where the %Generator%.constructor property was a non-configurable, non-writable data property, whereas ES6 specifies that it be a configurable, non-writable data property. This is severe for Caja because, without parsing, %Generator% is necessarily reachable by the generator function syntax, as explained above, and the initial value of %Generator%.constructor is the original %GeneratorFunction% constructor, which Caja must deny to confined code. The %GeneratorFunction% constructor is for generator functions what the Function constructor is for normal functions: The %GeneratorFunction% constructor creates a new generator function from string source code for the function's body, where this source code executes in the genuine global scope. As a result, without parsing, we could not prevent the expression

  (function*(){}).constructor('yield window;')().next().value 

from evaluating to the genuine global (window) object, thereby providing access to it.

We reported undisclosed JavaScriptCore (WebKit, Safari) __proto__ bug 141865 to the WebKit team, which provides another avenue for obtaining the global object. ES6 makes __proto__ into an officially recognized accessor property, whose getter and setter manipulate the inheritance chain. foo.__proto__ invokes the getter on foo, returning the object that foo directly inherits from. Like any other function, this getter can be extracted and directly supplied with any other value as its this-binding. When applied to undefined, it mistakenly acts as a legacy sloppy function does, coercing the undefined to the global object. (A sloppy function is a non-strict function coded in JavaScript.) As a consequence

  (1,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, '__proto__').get)();

evaluates to the prototype of the global (window) object. Instead, this expression must throw, as it does on all other browsers.

We first reported public bug to WebKit (Safari, JavaScriptCore) when had we underestimated the extent of the problem whose symptom we observed. Once we realized the deeper problem, we followed up by reporting undisclosed JavaScriptCore (WebKit, Safari) throw-thaw bug 141878 to the WebKit team. The issue is that throwing a frozen object causes it to lose its frozen status, and for the underlying JavaScript engine to add some properties to it. The problem is that the stack property is added as a configurable writable data property, to which any value can be assigned.

  var o = Object.freeze([]), leak = {}; 
  try { throw o; } catch (_) {}; 
  o.stack = leak;

This opens up the possibility of an arbitrary capability leak between two compartments that should have been isolated because they shared only transitively frozen objects.

Impact and Advice

The overall impact of these bugs taken together is that Caja prior to r5717, when run on browsers recent enough to have implemented any of the triggering ES6 features (generators, typed arrays, __proto__ as an accessor) should be assumed vulnerable to a full breach. If the %GeneratorFunction% constructor is reachable, a full breach is trivial.

Our advice is therefore to immediately upgrade to at least Caja r5717. Once you do, the remaining impact is:

On Firefox 35 and possibly some earlier, the Firefox vulnerability is safely detected and repaired, but at some performance cost. Fortunately, the current release is Firefox 36, which due to Mozilla's quick action is not vulnerable, and so runs Caja without penalty.

On Chrome 40 / Opera 27 and possibly earlier, Caja detects the non-configurability of %Generator%.constructor that prevents Caja from repairing the situation. This causes Caja to fail to start in ES5 (SES) mode. Those Caja installations configured to fall back to ES5/3, the Caja translator to EcmaScript 3, will do so. The others will fail to run Caja, which is their only way to fail safe. Fortunately, the current releases are Chrome 41 and Opera 28, which due to the V8, Chrome, and Opera team's quick action are not vulnerable, and so succeed at running Caja in ES5 mode without penalty.

Note that Apps Script is no longer configured to automatically fall back to ES5/3 (EMULATED) mode, as there were too many annoying incompatibilities with ES5 (SES,NATIVE) mode. Instead, a user only gets EMULATED mode now when the developer explicitly sets EMULATED mode. When NATIVE mode fails, the user is instead prompted to upgrade their browser. This remains an issue for Chrome 40 and Opera 27.

On both Safari 7 (the Safari of Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks) and Safari 8 (the Safari of Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite), Caja detects and repairs both Safari bugs. The repair for the throw-thaw bug is to preemptively add the properties that throw/catch would add prior to freezing an object. This includes all the reachable primordial objects -- the object like Object.prototype that exist in a frame before code starts running -- since SES must freeze these during SES initialization. This has both performance costs and unavoidable namespace pollution costs. Modulo these costs, this release of Caja should run fine on modern Safari in ES5 (SES) mode.

More Information

For all the links below you cannot yet follow, we have requested that they be disclosed, so please try again in a few days.

SpiderMonkey (Firefox) extensibility bug 1125389

We thank Mozilla both for fixing this bug quickly, and also for accelerating the release of this fix into Firefox 36, which is now the official release. We also thank Mozilla for keeping this vulnerability quiet until we could deploy this release of Caja.

V8 (Chrome, Opera) non-configurability bug 3902

We thank the V8 and Chrome teams for fixing this bug quickly, and also for accelerating the release of this fix into Chrome 41, which is now the official release. The V8 changes have also been incorporated into the current Opera release, Opera 28. We thank the Apps Script team for pushing the corresponding Caja fixes out quickly. We also thank the V8, Chrome, Opera, and Apps Script teams for keeping this vulnerability quiet until we could deploy this release of Caja.

JavaScriptCore (WebKit, Safari) __proto__ bug 141865

We thank the WebKit, Safari, and JavaScriptCore teams for keeping these vulnerabilities quiet until we could deploy this release of Caja.

JavaScriptCore (WebKit, Safari) throw-thaw bug 141878

We thank the WebKit, Safari, and JavaScriptCore teams for keeping these vulnerabilities quiet until we could deploy this release of Caja.

EcmaScript 2015 (ES6) Object.prototype.toString spec change

We thank all makers of JavaScript engines and browsers for delaying deployment of an implementation of the new cleaner ES6 spec until we could deploy this release, so we will not be vulnerable when this ES6 change is deployed.

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