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Kevin Reid edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision

(legacy summary: ES3 allows for arbitrary behavior around typeof) (legacy labels: Attack-Vector)

typeof inconsistent for regular expressions and other intrinsics



('function' === typeof o) !== (o instanceof Function)

even ignoring different Functions from different frames.


The typeof operator must return 'function' for anything that is callable.

According to section 11.4.3 of EcmaScript 262

Type Result
Undefined "undefined"
Null "object"
Boolean "boolean"
Number "number"
String "string"
Object (native and doesn’t implement [[Call]]) "object"
Object (native and implements [[Call]]) "function"
Object (host) Implementation-dependent
so an callable object is a "function" and a "host object" can have any type it desires.

A host object is a javascript object that is backed by special browser or operating system code. Most browsers' DOM trees are host objects, and plugins and extensions are often exposed as host objects. The spec allows for

(typeof new ActiveXObject('Crime Fighter')) === 'batman'
&& (typeof new ActiveXObject('ComplexNumber')) === 'number'

so that the host object exemption means that the identity

(x === undefined) === ((typeof x) === 'undefined')

does not hold.

IE allows for some non-function callables. On IE 6 and 7,

'object' === (typeof alert)

and similarly for many other builtins: confirm, prompt, setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval, and some of the DOM constructors such as Image.


Runtime checks based on typeof allow access to members of functions that are not allowed on normal Objects.


On Firefox,

'function' === (typeof /./)
'function' === (typeof alert)

On IE 6,

'object' === (typeof /./)
'object' === (typeof alert)

Some hosted objects return 'unknown' as the typeof value, but I don't have a specific example.

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