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Python Projects from "The Big Book of Small Python Projects"

This repository contains my implementations of several projects from The Big Book of Small Python Projects by Al Sweigart. This curated collection of simple Python projects allows you to dive right in and create digital art, games, animations, number-crunching tools, and more.

About the Book

The book by Al Sweigart is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to develop their Python skills through hands-on projects. Al's approach of learn-by-doing is incredibly effective, and his decision to make the book available for free is a huge benefit to many aspiring programmers. I highly recommend checking it out here.

Projects Included

Here are the projects I've completed:

  1. Project 01: Beagels
  2. Project 02: Birthday Paradox
  3. Project 03: Bitmap Message
  4. Project 04: Blackjack
  5. Project 05: Bouncing DVD Logo
  6. Project 06: Caesar Cipher
  7. Project 07: Caesar Hacker
  8. Project 08: Calendar Maker
  9. Project 10: Cho Han
  10. Project 12: Collatz Sequence
  11. Project 13: Conway's Game of Life
  12. Project 14: Countdown
  13. Project 15: Deep Cave
  14. Project 26: Fibonacci
  15. Project 46: Million Dice Roll Statistics Simulation
  16. Project 48: Monty Hall Problem
  17. Project 52: Numeral System Problems
  18. Project 64: Seven Segment Display Module
  19. Project 66: Simple Substitution Cipher
  20. Project 80: Vigenère Cipher

All projects were implemented using Python version 3.11.4 and are functioning as proposed in the book, with some improvements.

Directory Structure

The directory structure is as follows:


Where n is the project number in the book and name is the name of the project.

Additional Information

  • For projects that require extra libraries, a requirements.txt file is included in the project folder.
  • Each project includes the following functions:
    def clear_terminal() -> None:
        """Clears the terminal."""
        os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("\n-------|-----|-------\nExecution Interrupted\n-------|-----|-------\n")
    These functions help maintain a clean terminal and ensure proper initialization and termination of the project. The main logic is encapsulated in the main function, with various global functions called within main.


The primary purpose of this repository is to serve as a backup and to showcase these projects. I do not intend to make any further changes, nor am I seeking contributions. These projects are simple and free for anyone to copy and use.

Feel free to explore the projects and use them as you wish!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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