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img2ascii is a library written in python which can convert image or video files to ASCII

Option list:

  • -h or --help : To generate the help text
  • -m or --mode : Select the mode of operation -- t for text, i for image, v for video and w for webcam input
  • -c or --color : Optional parameter to select color mode. 0 - B/W, 1 - Grayscale and 2 - RGB. Default color mode is B/W
  • --fcolor : Optional parameter to set the text color in binary color mode. Default = white
  • --bcolor : Optional parameter to set the background color in binary color mode. Default = black
    INFO: For --fcolor and --bcolor, you can use color names - white, black, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan and magenta. To use other colors, hex codes for those colors must be supplied. Example - ffcc99.
  • -k or --kernel : Optional parameter to set the kernel size, default is 7px
  • -d or --density : Optional parameter to set the ASCII text density on image, default is 0.3 units; Range - (0,1) (exclusive)
  • -i or --ifile : Path to the input file for image and video modes
  • -o or --ofile : Path to the output file for image and video modes
  • -s or --cam_source : Camera to be used for webcam mode. Use 0,1,2,3... to select cameras connected to the PC. Default value is 0
  • -f or --fancy : Fancy mode :). (Color mode defaults to RGB)


  • Direct install : - python3 -m pip install img2ascii
  • From Git :
    1. git clone
    2. cd img2ascii
    3. python3 build
    4. python3 install

Usage :

  • For text : -m t -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -k <kernel_size>[optional] -d <text_density>[optional]
  • For image : -m i -c[color mode (optional)] --fcolor <text_color_hex>[optional] --bcolor <background_color_hex>[optional] -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -k <kernel_size>[optional] -d <text_density>[optional] -f <fancy_mode>[optional]
  • For video : -m v -c[color mode (optional)] --fcolor <text_color_hex>[optional] --bcolor <background_color_hex>[optional] -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -k <kernel_size>[optional] -d <text_density>[optional] -f <fancy_mode>[optional]
  • For webcam : -m w -c[color mode (optional)] --fcolor <text_color_hex>[optional] --bcolor <background_color_hex>[optional] -k <kernel_size>[optional] -d <text_density>[optional -s <source_camera (0,1,2...)>[optional] -f <fancy_mode>[optional]

Usage in python code:

  • For text : from img2ascii import text_gen
    then text_gen.generate_ascii_t(str inputfile, str outputfile, int kernel [o], float density [o])
  • For image : from img2ascii import image_gen
    then image_gen.generate_ascii_i(str inputfile, str outputfile, int color [o], int kernel [o], float density [o], bool fancy [o], tuple(int) fcolor [o], tuple(int) bcolor [o])
  • For video : from img2ascii import video_gen
    then video_gen.generate_ascii_v(str inputfile, str outputfile, int color [o], int kernel [o], float density [o], bool fancy [o], tuple(int) fcolor [o], tuple(int) bcolor [o])
  • For webcam : from img2ascii import image_gen
    then image_gen.generate_ascii_w(int color [o], int kernel [o], float density [o], int cam_source [o], str cam_name [o], bool fancy [o], tuple(int) fcolor [o], tuple(int) bcolor [o])

NOTE : Parameters followed by [o] are optional

Also, thanks to Andrea Schiavinato for pygrabber