Solutions of the exercises from the master-praktikum course at the department of informatics, Technische Universität München - TUM for group C
Implementing a modelling software based in the Cellular automaton model
Implemented using Python and Pythons GUI library Tkinter
Getting to know an open source simulation software Vadere, developed at the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Examining the properties of dynamical systems and bifurcation theory along with the notion of chaos dynamics.
Simplify n-dimensional data sets to a lower dimensional data set with minimum loss of information. Methods used in the exercise: Principal component analysis, Diffusion Maps and Variational autoencoder.
Using linear and nonlinear function approximation methods in order to approximate vector fields via data. Using Takens theorem describing a lower bound on how many time-embedded states needed in order to sufficiently describe a state space.
Learning dynamical systems via neural networks, implemented using known numerical methods for solving ODEs: Eulers method and Runge-Kutta.