Governify Kubernetes implementation consists in a set of services embedded in Helm charts, which are used by infrastructure charts as dependencies in order to deploy each system with custom configuration.
- Create Namespace
$ kubectl create namespace <namespace>
- Install Contour
$ kubectl apply -f
- Wait a few minutes and get the Load Balancer IP Address
$ (kubectl get -n projectcontour service envoy -o json) | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'
- Install CertManager
$ kubectl apply -f
- Create a values.yaml file with the following content
node_env: production
gov_infrastructure: <assets_call_to_infrastructure.yaml>
services_prefix: .<infrastructure-prefix>
dns_suffix: .<your-DNS-zone>
login_user: <username>
login_password: <password>
assets_repository: <repository_url>
assets_repository_branch: <branch>
private_key: test-key
- Install charts
$ helm repo add governify
$ helm repo update
$ helm install -f values.yaml <release_name> governify/<chart_name>
- Create Namespace
$ kubectl create namespace <namespace>
Configure kubernetes for assigning NodePorts in range (3000-9000) by adding
to the kubernetes kube-apiserver config file. If using docker-desktop check this page. -
Create a values.yaml file with the following content
node_env: development
gov_infrastructure: <assets_call_to_infrastructure-local.yaml>
login_user: <username>
login_password: <password>
gov_infrastructure: <local_path_to_infrastructure-local.yaml>
assets_repository: <repository_url> (defaults to current assets repository inside github governify organization)
assets_repository_branch: <branch> (default: main)
- Install charts
$ helm repo add governify
$ helm repo update
$ helm install -f values.yaml <release_name> governify/<chart_name>