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Sweep: strip username before login and add a unit test within test_post_login #5056

1 task done
leolaf opened this issue Aug 1, 2023 · 5 comments
1 task done
enhancement New feature or request


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leolaf commented Aug 1, 2023

  • I have searched to see if a similar issue already exists.

It seems that spaces are kept at the beginning and at the end of the username's Textbox on login page.
It is more of a user-end problem when happening but since most sites work like this I thought it would be great to implement it in gradio.

Would it be possible to strip the username in the login route in the script gradio/ ?

Sorry if it is not considered a feature request, but i didn't knew if this behavior was a bug or on purpose.

Thank you !

@leolaf leolaf changed the title Strip username before on login Strip username before login Aug 1, 2023
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abidlabs commented Aug 1, 2023

That seems reasonable to me @leolaf -- would you like to open a PR for this?

@abidlabs abidlabs added the enhancement New feature or request label Aug 1, 2023
@abidlabs abidlabs changed the title Strip username before login Sweep: strip username before login Aug 4, 2023
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sweep-ai bot commented Aug 4, 2023

Here's the PR! #5098.

⚡ Sweep Free Trial: I used GPT-4 to create this ticket. You have 1 GPT-4 tickets left. For more GPT-4 tickets, visit our payment portal.To get Sweep to recreate this ticket, leave a comment prefixed with "sweep:" or edit the issue.

Step 1: 🔍 Code Search

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.


Lines 1 to 830 in 37caa2e

"""Implements a FastAPI server to run the gradio interface. Note that some types in this
module use the Optional/Union notation so that they work correctly with pydantic."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
from importlib.resources import files
from importlib_resources import files
import inspect
import json
import mimetypes
import os
import posixpath
import secrets
import tempfile
import traceback
from asyncio import TimeoutError as AsyncTimeOutError
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import fastapi
import httpx
import markupsafe
import orjson
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, File, HTTPException, UploadFile, WebSocket, status
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.responses import (
from import OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from gradio_client.documentation import document, set_documentation_group
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse, StreamingResponse
from starlette.websockets import WebSocketState
import gradio
import gradio.ranged_response as ranged_response
from gradio import utils, wasm_utils
from gradio.context import Context
from gradio.data_classes import PredictBody, ResetBody
from gradio.exceptions import Error
from gradio.helpers import EventData
from gradio.queueing import Estimation, Event
from gradio.utils import cancel_tasks, run_coro_in_background, set_task_name
STATIC_TEMPLATE_LIB = files("gradio").joinpath("templates").as_posix() # type: ignore
STATIC_PATH_LIB = files("gradio").joinpath("templates", "frontend", "static").as_posix() # type: ignore
BUILD_PATH_LIB = files("gradio").joinpath("templates", "frontend", "assets").as_posix() # type: ignore
VERSION = files("gradio").joinpath("version.txt").read_text()
class ORJSONResponse(JSONResponse):
media_type = "application/json"
def _render(content: Any) -> bytes:
return orjson.dumps(
def render(self, content: Any) -> bytes:
return ORJSONResponse._render(content)
def _render_str(content: Any) -> str:
return ORJSONResponse._render(content).decode("utf-8")
def toorjson(value):
return markupsafe.Markup(
.replace("<", "\\u003c")
.replace(">", "\\u003e")
.replace("&", "\\u0026")
.replace("'", "\\u0027")
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=STATIC_TEMPLATE_LIB)
templates.env.filters["toorjson"] = toorjson
client = httpx.AsyncClient()
# Auth
class App(FastAPI):
FastAPI App Wrapper
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.tokens = {}
self.auth = None
self.blocks: gradio.Blocks | None = None
self.state_holder = {}
self.iterators = defaultdict(dict)
self.iterators_to_reset = defaultdict(set)
self.lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.queue_token = secrets.token_urlsafe(32)
self.startup_events_triggered = False
self.uploaded_file_dir = os.environ.get("GRADIO_TEMP_DIR") or str(
Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "gradio"
# Allow user to manually set `docs_url` and `redoc_url`
# when instantiating an App; when they're not set, disable docs and redoc.
kwargs.setdefault("docs_url", None)
kwargs.setdefault("redoc_url", None)
def configure_app(self, blocks: gradio.Blocks) -> None:
auth = blocks.auth
if auth is not None:
if not callable(auth):
self.auth = {account[0]: account[1] for account in auth}
self.auth = auth
self.auth = None
self.blocks = blocks
if hasattr(self.blocks, "_queue"):
self.cwd = os.getcwd()
self.favicon_path = blocks.favicon_path
self.tokens = {}
self.root_path = blocks.root_path
def get_blocks(self) -> gradio.Blocks:
if self.blocks is None:
raise ValueError("No Blocks has been configured for this app.")
return self.blocks
def build_proxy_request(self, url_path):
url = httpx.URL(url_path)
assert self.blocks
# Don't proxy a URL unless it's a URL specifically loaded by the user using
# gr.load() to prevent SSRF or harvesting of HF tokens by malicious Spaces.
is_safe_url = any( == httpx.URL(root).host for root in self.blocks.root_urls
if not is_safe_url:
raise PermissionError("This URL cannot be proxied.")
is_hf_url ="")
headers = {}
if Context.hf_token is not None and is_hf_url:
headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {Context.hf_token}"
rp_req = client.build_request("GET", url, headers=headers)
return rp_req
def create_app(
blocks: gradio.Blocks, app_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None
) -> App:
app_kwargs = app_kwargs or {}
if not wasm_utils.IS_WASM:
app_kwargs.setdefault("default_response_class", ORJSONResponse)
app = App(**app_kwargs)
if not wasm_utils.IS_WASM:
def get_current_user(request: fastapi.Request) -> Optional[str]:
token = request.cookies.get("access-token") or request.cookies.get(
return app.tokens.get(token)
def login_check(user: str = Depends(get_current_user)):
if app.auth is None or user is not None:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Not authenticated"
async def ws_login_check(websocket: WebSocket) -> Optional[str]:
token = websocket.cookies.get("access-token") or websocket.cookies.get(
return token # token is returned to allow request in queue
def get_token(request: fastapi.Request) -> dict:
token = request.cookies.get("access-token")
return {"token": token, "user": app.tokens.get(token)}
def app_id(request: fastapi.Request) -> dict:
return {"app_id": app.get_blocks().app_id}"/login")"/login/")
def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
username, password = form_data.username, form_data.password
if app.auth is None:
return RedirectResponse(url="/", status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
if (
not callable(app.auth)
and username in app.auth
and app.auth[username] == password
) or (callable(app.auth) and app.auth.__call__(username, password)):
token = secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
app.tokens[token] = username
response = JSONResponse(content={"success": True})
key="access-token-unsecure", value=token, httponly=True
return response
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect credentials.")
# Main Routes
@app.head("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
def main(request: fastapi.Request, user: str = Depends(get_current_user)):
mimetypes.add_type("application/javascript", ".js")
blocks = app.get_blocks()
root_path = request.scope.get("root_path", "")
if app.auth is None or user is not None:
config = app.get_blocks().config
config["root"] = root_path
config = {
"auth_required": True,
"auth_message": blocks.auth_message,
"space_id": app.get_blocks().space_id,
"root": root_path,
template = (
"frontend/share.html" if blocks.share else "frontend/index.html"
return templates.TemplateResponse(
{"request": request, "config": config},
except TemplateNotFound as err:
if blocks.share:
raise ValueError(
"Did you install Gradio from source files? Share mode only "
"works when Gradio is installed through the pip package."
) from err
raise ValueError(
"Did you install Gradio from source files? You need to build "
"the frontend by running /scripts/"
) from err
@app.get("/info/", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
@app.get("/info", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
def api_info(serialize: bool = True):
config = app.get_blocks().config
return gradio.blocks.get_api_info(config, serialize) # type: ignore
@app.get("/config/", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
@app.get("/config", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
def get_config(request: fastapi.Request):
root_path = request.scope.get("root_path", "")
config = app.get_blocks().config
config["root"] = root_path
return config
def static_resource(path: str):
static_file = safe_join(STATIC_PATH_LIB, path)
return FileResponse(static_file)
def build_resource(path: str):
build_file = safe_join(BUILD_PATH_LIB, path)
return FileResponse(build_file)
async def favicon():
blocks = app.get_blocks()
if blocks.favicon_path is None:
return static_resource("img/logo.svg")
return FileResponse(blocks.favicon_path)
@app.head("/proxy={url_path:path}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
@app.get("/proxy={url_path:path}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
async def reverse_proxy(url_path: str):
# Adapted from:
rp_req = app.build_proxy_request(url_path)
except PermissionError as err:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=str(err)) from err
rp_resp = await client.send(rp_req, stream=True)
return StreamingResponse(
headers=rp_resp.headers, # type: ignore
@app.head("/file={path_or_url:path}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
@app.get("/file={path_or_url:path}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
async def file(path_or_url: str, request: fastapi.Request):
blocks = app.get_blocks()
if utils.validate_url(path_or_url):
return RedirectResponse(
url=path_or_url, status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
abs_path = utils.abspath(path_or_url)
in_blocklist = any(
utils.is_in_or_equal(abs_path, blocked_path)
for blocked_path in blocks.blocked_paths
is_dotfile = any(part.startswith(".") for part in
is_dir = abs_path.is_dir()
if in_blocklist or is_dotfile or is_dir:
raise HTTPException(403, f"File not allowed: {path_or_url}.")
if not abs_path.exists():
raise HTTPException(404, f"File not found: {path_or_url}.")
in_app_dir = utils.is_in_or_equal(abs_path, app.cwd)
created_by_app = str(abs_path) in set().union(*blocks.temp_file_sets)
in_allowlist = any(
utils.is_in_or_equal(abs_path, allowed_path)
for allowed_path in blocks.allowed_paths
was_uploaded = utils.is_in_or_equal(abs_path, app.uploaded_file_dir)
if not (in_app_dir or created_by_app or in_allowlist or was_uploaded):
raise HTTPException(403, f"File not allowed: {path_or_url}.")
range_val = request.headers.get("Range", "").strip()
if range_val.startswith("bytes=") and "-" in range_val:
range_val = range_val[6:]
start, end = range_val.split("-")
if start.isnumeric() and end.isnumeric():
start = int(start)
end = int(end)
response = ranged_response.RangedFileResponse(
ranged_response.OpenRange(start, end),
return response
return FileResponse(abs_path, headers={"Accept-Ranges": "bytes"})
@app.get("/file/{path:path}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
async def file_deprecated(path: str, request: fastapi.Request):
return await file(path, request)"/reset/")"/reset")
async def reset_iterator(body: ResetBody):
if body.session_hash not in app.iterators:
return {"success": False}
async with app.lock:
app.iterators[body.session_hash][body.fn_index] = None
return {"success": True}
async def run_predict(
body: PredictBody,
request: Request | List[Request],
fn_index_inferred: int,
fn_index = body.fn_index
if hasattr(body, "session_hash"):
if body.session_hash not in app.state_holder:
app.state_holder[body.session_hash] = {
_id: deepcopy(getattr(block, "value", None))
for _id, block in app.get_blocks().blocks.items()
if getattr(block, "stateful", False)
session_state = app.state_holder[body.session_hash]
# The should_reset set keeps track of the fn_indices
# that have been cancelled. When a job is cancelled,
# the /reset route will mark the jobs as having been reset.
# That way if the cancel job finishes BEFORE the job being cancelled
# the job being cancelled will not overwrite the state of the iterator.
if fn_index in app.iterators_to_reset[body.session_hash]:
iterators = {}
iterators = app.iterators[body.session_hash]
session_state = {}
iterators = {}
event_id = getattr(body, "event_id", None)
raw_input =
dependency = app.get_blocks().dependencies[fn_index_inferred]
target = dependency["targets"][0] if len(dependency["targets"]) else None
event_data = EventData(
app.get_blocks().blocks.get(target) if target else None,
batch = dependency["batch"]
if not (body.batched) and batch:
raw_input = [raw_input]
with utils.MatplotlibBackendMananger():
output = await app.get_blocks().process_api(
iterator = output.pop("iterator", None)
if hasattr(body, "session_hash"):
app.iterators[body.session_hash][fn_index] = iterator
if isinstance(output, Error):
raise output
except BaseException as error:
show_error = app.get_blocks().show_error or isinstance(error, Error)
return JSONResponse(
content={"error": str(error) if show_error else None},
if not (body.batched) and batch:
output["data"] = output["data"][0]
return output
# had to use '/run' endpoint for Colab compatibility, '/api' supported for backwards compatibility"/run/{api_name}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])"/run/{api_name}/", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])"/api/{api_name}", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])"/api/{api_name}/", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
async def predict(
api_name: str,
body: PredictBody,
request: fastapi.Request,
username: str = Depends(get_current_user),
fn_index_inferred = None
if body.fn_index is None:
for i, fn in enumerate(app.get_blocks().dependencies):
if fn["api_name"] == api_name:
fn_index_inferred = i
if fn_index_inferred is None:
return JSONResponse(
"error": f"This app has no endpoint /api/{api_name}/."
fn_index_inferred = body.fn_index
if (
not app.get_blocks().api_open
and app.get_blocks().queue_enabled_for_fn(fn_index_inferred)
and f"Bearer {app.queue_token}" != request.headers.get("Authorization")
raise HTTPException(
detail="Not authorized to skip the queue",
# If this fn_index cancels jobs, then the only input we need is the
# current session hash
if app.get_blocks().dependencies[fn_index_inferred]["cancels"]: = [body.session_hash]
if body.request:
if body.batched:
gr_request = [
Request(username=username, **req) for req in body.request
assert isinstance(body.request, dict)
gr_request = Request(username=username, **body.request)
gr_request = Request(username=username, request=request)
result = await run_predict(
return result
async def join_queue(
websocket: WebSocket,
token: Optional[str] = Depends(ws_login_check),
blocks = app.get_blocks()
if app.auth is not None and token is None:
await websocket.close(code=status.WS_1008_POLICY_VIOLATION)
if blocks._queue.server_path is None:
app_url = get_server_url_from_ws_url(str(websocket.url))
await websocket.accept()
# In order to cancel jobs, we need the session_hash and fn_index
# to create a unique id for each job
await asyncio.wait_for(
websocket.send_json({"msg": "send_hash"}), timeout=5
except AsyncTimeOutError:
session_info = await asyncio.wait_for(
websocket.receive_json(), timeout=5
except AsyncTimeOutError:
event = Event(
websocket, session_info["session_hash"], session_info["fn_index"]
# set the token into Event to allow using the same token for call_prediction
event.token = token
event.session_hash = session_info["session_hash"]
# Continuous events are not put in the queue so that they do not
# occupy the queue's resource as they are expected to run forever
if blocks.dependencies[event.fn_index].get("every", 0):
await cancel_tasks({f"{event.session_hash}_{event.fn_index}"})
await blocks._queue.reset_iterators(event.session_hash, event.fn_index)
task = run_coro_in_background(
blocks._queue.process_events, [event], False
set_task_name(task, event.session_hash, event.fn_index, batch=False)
rank = blocks._queue.push(event)
if rank is None:
await blocks._queue.send_message(event, {"msg": "queue_full"})
await event.disconnect()
estimation = blocks._queue.get_estimation()
await blocks._queue.send_estimation(event, estimation, rank)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if websocket.application_state == WebSocketState.DISCONNECTED:
async def get_queue_status():
return app.get_blocks()._queue.get_estimation()"/upload", dependencies=[Depends(login_check)])
async def upload_file(
files: List[UploadFile] = File(...),
output_files = []
file_manager = gradio.File()
for input_file in files:
await file_manager.save_uploaded_file(
input_file, app.uploaded_file_dir
return output_files
async def startup_events():
if not app.startup_events_triggered:
app.startup_events_triggered = True
return True
return False
@app.get("/theme.css", response_class=PlainTextResponse)
def theme_css():
return PlainTextResponse(app.get_blocks().theme_css, media_type="text/css")
@app.get("/robots.txt", response_class=PlainTextResponse)
def robots_txt():
if app.get_blocks().share:
return "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /"
return "User-agent: *\nDisallow: "
return app
# Helper functions
def safe_join(directory: str, path: str) -> str:
"""Safely path to a base directory to avoid escaping the base directory.
Borrowed from:"""
_os_alt_seps: List[str] = [
sep for sep in [os.path.sep, os.path.altsep] if sep is not None and sep != "/"
if path == "":
raise HTTPException(400)
filename = posixpath.normpath(path)
fullpath = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if (
any(sep in filename for sep in _os_alt_seps)
or os.path.isabs(filename)
or filename == ".."
or filename.startswith("../")
or os.path.isdir(fullpath)
raise HTTPException(403)
if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
raise HTTPException(404, "File not found")
return fullpath
def get_types(cls_set: List[Type]):
docset = []
types = []
for cls in cls_set:
doc = inspect.getdoc(cls) or ""
doc_lines = doc.split("\n")
for line in doc_lines:
if "value (" in line:
types.append(line.split("value (")[1].split(")")[0])
return docset, types
def get_server_url_from_ws_url(ws_url: str):
ws_url_parsed = urlparse(ws_url)
scheme = "http" if ws_url_parsed.scheme == "ws" else "https"
port = f":{ws_url_parsed.port}" if ws_url_parsed.port else ""
return f"{scheme}://{ws_url_parsed.hostname}{port}{ws_url_parsed.path.replace('queue/join', '')}"
class Obj:
Using a class to convert dictionaries into objects. Used by the `Request` class.
def __init__(self, dict_):
for key, value in dict_.items():
if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
value = Obj(value)
setattr(self, key, value)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.__dict__[item]
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
self.__dict__[item] = value
def __iter__(self):
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(value, Obj):
yield (key, dict(value))
yield (key, value)
def __contains__(self, item) -> bool:
if item in self.__dict__:
return True
for value in self.__dict__.values():
if isinstance(value, Obj) and item in value:
return True
return False
def keys(self):
return self.__dict__.keys()
def values(self):
return self.__dict__.values()
def items(self):
return self.__dict__.items()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self.__dict__)
class Request:
A Gradio request object that can be used to access the request headers, cookies,
query parameters and other information about the request from within the prediction
function. The class is a thin wrapper around the fastapi.Request class. Attributes
of this class include: `headers`, `client`, `query_params`, and `path_params`. If
auth is enabled, the `username` attribute can be used to get the logged in user.
import gradio as gr
def echo(name, request: gr.Request):
print("Request headers dictionary:", request.headers)
print("IP address:",
return name
io = gr.Interface(echo, "textbox", "textbox").launch()
def __init__(
request: fastapi.Request | None = None,
username: str | None = None,
Can be instantiated with either a fastapi.Request or by manually passing in
attributes (needed for websocket-based queueing).
request: A fastapi.Request
self.request = request
self.username = username
self.kwargs: Dict = kwargs
def dict_to_obj(self, d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
return json.loads(json.dumps(d), object_hook=Obj)
return d
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.request:
return self.dict_to_obj(getattr(self.request, name))
obj = self.kwargs[name]
except KeyError as ke:
raise AttributeError(
f"'Request' object has no attribute '{name}'"
) from ke
return self.dict_to_obj(obj)
def mount_gradio_app(
app: fastapi.FastAPI,
blocks: gradio.Blocks,
path: str,
gradio_api_url: str | None = None,
app_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> fastapi.FastAPI:
"""Mount a gradio.Blocks to an existing FastAPI application.
app: The parent FastAPI application.
blocks: The blocks object we want to mount to the parent app.
path: The path at which the gradio application will be mounted.
gradio_api_url: The full url at which the gradio app will run. This is only needed if deploying to Huggingface spaces of if the websocket endpoints of your deployed app are on a different network location than the gradio app. If deploying to spaces, set gradio_api_url to 'http://localhost:7860/'
app_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the underlying FastAPI app as a dictionary of parameter keys and argument values. For example, `{"docs_url": "/docs"}`
from fastapi import FastAPI
import gradio as gr
app = FastAPI()
def read_main():
return {"message": "This is your main app"}
io = gr.Interface(lambda x: "Hello, " + x + "!", "textbox", "textbox")
app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, io, path="/gradio")
# Then run `uvicorn run:app` from the terminal and navigate to http://localhost:8000/gradio.
blocks.dev_mode = False
blocks.config = blocks.get_config_file()
gradio_app = App.create_app(blocks, app_kwargs=app_kwargs)
async def start_queue():
if gradio_app.get_blocks().enable_queue:
if gradio_api_url:
app.mount(path, gradio_app)
return app


Lines 480 to 640 in 37caa2e

while not completed:
msg = json.loads(await ws.recv())
if msg["msg"] == "send_data":
await ws.send(json.dumps({"data": ["foo"], "fn_index": 0}))
if msg["msg"] == "send_hash":
await ws.send(json.dumps({"fn_index": 0, "session_hash": "shdce"}))
completed = msg["msg"] == "process_completed"
assert io._queue.server_path == "foo_url"
("ws://", ""),
def test_get_server_url_from_ws_url(self, ws_url, answer):
assert routes.get_server_url_from_ws_url(ws_url) == answer
class TestDevMode:
def test_mount_gradio_app_set_dev_mode_false(self):
app = FastAPI()
def read_main():
return {"message": "Hello!"}
with gr.Blocks() as blocks:
gr.Textbox("Hello from gradio!")
app = routes.mount_gradio_app(app, blocks, path="/gradio")
gradio_fast_api = next(
route for route in app.routes if isinstance(route, starlette.routing.Mount)
assert not
class TestPassingRequest:
def test_request_included_with_regular_function(self):
def identity(name, request: gr.Request):
assert isinstance(, str)
return name
app, _, _ = gr.Interface(identity, "textbox", "textbox").launch(
client = TestClient(app)
response ="/api/predict/", json={"data": ["test"]})
assert response.status_code == 200
output = dict(response.json())
assert output["data"] == ["test"]
def test_request_get_headers(self):
def identity(name, request: gr.Request):
assert isinstance(request.headers["user-agent"], str)
assert isinstance(request.headers.items(), list)
assert isinstance(request.headers.keys(), list)
assert isinstance(request.headers.values(), list)
assert isinstance(dict(request.headers), dict)
user_agent = request.headers["user-agent"]
assert "testclient" in user_agent
return name
app, _, _ = gr.Interface(identity, "textbox", "textbox").launch(
client = TestClient(app)
response ="/api/predict/", json={"data": ["test"]})
assert response.status_code == 200
output = dict(response.json())
assert output["data"] == ["test"]
def test_request_includes_username_as_none_if_no_auth(self):
def identity(name, request: gr.Request):
assert request.username is None
return name
app, _, _ = gr.Interface(identity, "textbox", "textbox").launch(
client = TestClient(app)
response ="/api/predict/", json={"data": ["test"]})
assert response.status_code == 200
output = dict(response.json())
assert output["data"] == ["test"]
def test_request_includes_username_with_auth(self):
def identity(name, request: gr.Request):
assert request.username == "admin"
return name
app, _, _ = gr.Interface(identity, "textbox", "textbox").launch(
prevent_thread_lock=True, auth=("admin", "password")
client = TestClient(app)
data={"username": "admin", "password": "password"},
response ="/api/predict/", json={"data": ["test"]})
assert response.status_code == 200
output = dict(response.json())
assert output["data"] == ["test"]
def test_predict_route_is_blocked_if_api_open_false():
io = Interface(lambda x: x, "text", "text", examples=[["freddy"]]).queue(
app, _, _ = io.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True)
assert not io.show_api
client = TestClient(app)
result =
"/api/predict", json={"fn_index": 0, "data": [5], "session_hash": "foo"}
assert result.status_code == 401
def test_predict_route_not_blocked_if_queue_disabled():
with Blocks() as demo:
input = Textbox()
output = Textbox()
number = Number()
button = Button()
lambda x: f"Hello, {x}!", input, output, queue=False, api_name="not_blocked"
) 42, None, number, queue=True, api_name="blocked")
app, _, _ = demo.queue(api_open=False).launch(
prevent_thread_lock=True, show_api=True
assert not demo.show_api
client = TestClient(app)
result ="/api/blocked", json={"data": [], "session_hash": "foo"})
assert result.status_code == 401
result =
"/api/not_blocked", json={"data": ["freddy"], "session_hash": "foo"}
assert result.status_code == 200
assert result.json()["data"] == ["Hello, freddy!"]
def test_predict_route_not_blocked_if_routes_open():
with Blocks() as demo:
input = Textbox()
output = Textbox()
button = Button()

import gradio as gr
user_db = {"admin": "admin", "foo": "bar"}
def greet(name):
return "Hello " + name + "!!"
demo = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text")
if __name__ == "__main__":
auth=lambda u, p: user_db.get(u) == p,
auth_message="This is a welcome message")

import io
import sys
import unittest.mock as mock
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from string import capwords
import pytest
import requests
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
import gradio
from gradio.blocks import Blocks, get_api_info
from gradio.components import Image, Textbox
from gradio.interface import Interface, TabbedInterface, close_all, os
from gradio.layouts import TabItem, Tabs
from gradio.utils import assert_configs_are_equivalent_besides_ids
def captured_output():
new_out, new_err = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
old_out, old_err = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = new_out, new_err
yield sys.stdout, sys.stderr
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_out, old_err
class TestInterface:
def test_close(self):
io = Interface(lambda input: None, "textbox", "label")
_, local_url, _ = io.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True)
response = requests.get(local_url)
assert response.status_code == 200
with pytest.raises(Exception):
response = requests.get(local_url)
def test_close_all(self):
interface = Interface(lambda input: None, "textbox", "label")
interface.close = mock.MagicMock()
def test_no_input_or_output(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Interface(lambda x: x, examples=1234)
def test_partial_functions(self):
def greet(name, formatter):
return formatter(f"Hello {name}!")
greet_upper_case = partial(greet, formatter=capwords)
demo = Interface(fn=greet_upper_case, inputs="text", outputs="text")
assert demo("abubakar") == "Hello Abubakar!"
def test_input_labels_extracted_from_method(self):
class A:
def test(self, parameter_name):
return parameter_name
t = Textbox()
Interface(A().test, t, "text")
assert t.label == "parameter_name"

import gradio as gr
def welcome(name):
return f"Welcome to Gradio, {name}!"
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# Hello World!
Start typing below to see the output.
inp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="What is your name?")
out = gr.Textbox()
inp.change(welcome, inp, out)
if __name__ == "__main__":

I also found the following external resources that might be helpful:

Summaries of links found in the content:

Step 2: 🧐 Snippet Analysis

From looking through the relevant snippets, I decided to make the following modifications:

File Path Proposed Changes
gradio/ In the login route, modify the code to strip the username input using the strip() method before processing it.

Step 3: 📝 Planning

I have created a plan for writing the pull request. I am now working my plan and coding the required changes to address this issue. Here is the planned pull request:

Strip username before login and add unit test within test_post_login


This PR addresses the issue of spaces being kept at the beginning and end of the username's Textbox on the login page in gradio. The username input is modified to strip any leading or trailing spaces before processing it. This ensures a clean and consistent username input, improving the user experience.

Summary of Changes

  • Modified the login route in gradio/ to strip the username input using the strip() method before processing it.
  • Added a unit test within test_post_login to verify the functionality of the username stripping.

Please review and merge this PR. Thank you!

Step 4: ⌨️ Coding

I have finished coding the issue. I am now reviewing it for completeness.

Step 5: 🔁 Code Review

Success! 🚀

To recreate the pull request, leave a comment prefixed with "sweep:" or edit the issue.
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@abidlabs abidlabs removed the sweep label Aug 4, 2023
@abidlabs abidlabs changed the title Sweep: strip username before login Sweep: strip username before login and add a unit test Aug 4, 2023
@abidlabs abidlabs added the sweep label Aug 4, 2023
@hannahblair hannahblair changed the title Sweep: strip username before login and add a unit test Strip username before login and add a unit test Aug 4, 2023
@abidlabs abidlabs changed the title Strip username before login and add a unit test Sweep: strip username before login and add a unit test Aug 4, 2023
@abidlabs abidlabs changed the title Sweep: strip username before login and add a unit test Sweep: strip username before login and add a unit test within test_post_login Aug 4, 2023
@abidlabs abidlabs added sweep and removed sweep labels Aug 4, 2023
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wwzeng1 commented Aug 4, 2023

@abidlabs I'm going to create a separate issue, we currently read all of the non-bot issue comments so this may be noisy. Thanks for trying Sweep!

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wwzeng1 commented Aug 4, 2023

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abidlabs commented Aug 4, 2023

Closed by #5104

@abidlabs abidlabs closed this as completed Aug 4, 2023
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