This application indexes data from the Yelp dataset into an Elasticsearch cluster, and uses that instead of a database layer to serve up several different kinds of documents via a Flask REST API. It also includes a mobile-friendly React frontend client made with create-react-app
This application is not production ready. It has no auth layer whatsoever, and doesn't use https
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Python 3 (to seed the indices)
(for the React frontend)- Yelp dataset
First you'll need to build and start the Elasticsearch cluster. From the project root:
$ docker-compose up --build -d
Next you'll need to build and start the Flask API. You probably want to leave this one in the foreground of a terminal window so you can see the logs:
$ cd backend
$ cp app/env.example app/.env
$ docker-compose up --build
You can check that the API is working via the heartbeat route. You can use cURL or Postman or whatever you prefer for making HTTP requests:
GET http://localhost:45000/
Next we'll need to create the indices for our five document types. You should do this through the Flask API rather than directly on the Elasticsearch, because the Flask API has some custom mappings that it will apply:
POST http://localhost:45000/index/reviews
POST http://localhost:45000/index/businesses
POST http://localhost:45000/index/users
POST http://localhost:45000/index/tips
POST http://localhost:45000/index/checkins
You'll need to download the dataset first. Then you can begin seeding the indices. From the project root:
$ mv /path/to/dataset/*.json scripts/
$ cd scripts
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ python
Wait for the seeding jobs to finish. Then you can deactivate the python virtual environment:
$ deactivate
Now you can test a simple GET on the Flask API to see an example document from the reviews
GET http://localhost:45000/doc/reviews/10000
You can perform a similar operation with businesses
, users
, checkins
and tips
The React frontend will give you a UI to search and view data via the Flask API and the Elasticsearch cluster. You'll need to build it first, from the project root:
$ cd frontend
$ cp env.example .env
$ npm install
$ npm start
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the site. You can use the search bar to search across reviews
and businesses
, and you can access these resources directly via a URL containing the document type and ID, for exampleL http://localhost:3000/reviews/1000
It is optimized for mobile, so you may want to turn dev tools on and change the window size to a mobile viewport.