Linode CLI is a simple command-line interface to the Linode platform.
Final versions of linode-cli will be packaged up and very easy to install. For now, you'll need to grab a ZIP, tarball, or clone from source and install dependencies manually.
$ curl -Lo linode-cli.tar.gz
$ tar xf linode-cli.tar.gz
$ apt-get install libjson-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl ca-certificates libtry-tiny-perl libwww-perl
$ ./cli-master/linode
Installing dependencies on OS X requires either XCode or Command Line Tools for XCode, available from Apple.
You'll first want to install cpanminus, either using cpan packaged with OS X ($ cpan App::cpanminus
) or using a one-line install helper:
$ cpanm -S Crypt::SSLeay JSON LWP::UserAgent Mozilla::CA Try::Tiny
$ curl -Lo linode-cli.tar.gz
$ tar xf linode-cli.tar.gz
$ ./cli-master/linode
You'll first want to install cpanminus, either using cpan packaged with your system ($ cpan App::cpanminus
) or using a one-line install helper:
$ cpanm -S Crypt::SSLeay JSON LWP::UserAgent Mozilla::CA Try::Tiny
$ curl -Lo linode-cli.tar.gz
$ tar xf linode-cli.tar.gz
$ ./cli-master/linode
Before using linode-cli for the first time, you'll want to drop your API key in a .linodecli
file in your user's home directory, with the following format:
api-key foobarbaz123456
The API key can also be set using an environment variable (LINODE_API_KEY).
Alternatively, you can pass an --api-key
option on the command line.
That's it! Now you're ready to start using linode-cli. If you didn't place linode-cli somewhere in your PATH, you'll need to call it directly: /path/to/linode-cli/linode
. Otherwise, you can simply use linode
$ linode list
$ linode list My-Linode-Label
$ linode list My-Linode-Label1 My-Linode-Label2
$ linode show My-Linode-Label
$ linode start My-Linode-Label
$ linode stop My-Linode-Label
$ linode restart My-Linode-Label
$ linode rename mylinodename mylinodenewname
Warning: This will attempt to charge the credit card on file, or use any account credit available, and spin up a new Linode 1GB.
$ linode create New-Linode --location dallas --plan linode1024 --payment-term 1 --distribution 'Debian 7' --group Frontends
Warning: This will shut the Linode down, charge/credit the account, and issue a migration to another host server.
This example resizes a Linode 1024 to a Linode 2048.
$ linode resize mylinode linode2048
Warning: This will permanently delete a Linode, its disk images and configuration profiles.
$ linode delete New-Linode
Actions can be performed on multiple Linodes using their labels. Using multiple --label arguments will accomplish the same thing.
$ linode start My-Linode-Label1 My-Linode-Label2
$ linode show --label My-Linode-Label1 --label My-Linode-Label2
Account information, including the current account balance and network transfer pool usage, can be queried with the linode-account
$ linode account show
managed true
balance $ 0.00
transfer pool 7527.00GB
transfer billable 0.00GB
active since 2013-09-10 14:44:27.0
transfer used 1.00GB
JSON output is available for actions.
$ linode list --output json
$ linode list --json
"linodefrontend1" : {
"datacenterid" : 2,
"status" : "powered off",
"backupsenabled" : false,
"totalram" : "1GB",
"request_error" : "",
"totalhd" : "24GB",
"label" : "linodefrontend1",
"linodeid" : 900001
"linodebackend1" : {
"datacenterid" : 2,
"status" : "running",
"backupsenabled" : true,
"totalram" : "1GB",
"request_error" : "",
"totalhd" : "48GB",
"label" : "linodebackend1",
"linodeid" : 900002
-a, --action: An action to perform on one Linode. One of: create, start, stop, restart, rename, group, resize, delete. Read-only operations are available as well: list, show.
Each action has a set of options that apply to it, which are outlined in the section ACTIONS.
--api-key: API key to use when communicating with the Linode API. Alternatively, you can specify the API key in a .linodecli file in the working user's home directory, using the format api-key foobar
-j, --json: Optional. JSON output.
-w, --wait: Optional. Waits and provides feedback while the task(s) run.
-h, --help: Brief help message.
-m, --man: Full documentation.
Create and start a new Linode. This action prompts for a password which will be used as the root password on the newly-created Linode.
-d, --distribution: Distribution name or DistributionID to deploy.
-g, --group: Optional. Linode Manager display group to place this Linode under. Default: none.
-L, --location: City name or DatacenterID to deploy to.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
-p, --plan: The Plan to deploy. Plans are linode1024, linode2048, linode4096, linode8192, linode16384, linode24576, linode32768, and linode40960.
-t, --payment-term: Optional. Payment term, one of 1, 12, or 24 (months). Default: 1.
Stop, start, or restart a Linode.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
Change a Linode's label.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
--new-label: New label to apply to this Linode.
Set a Linode's display group.
-g, --group: Linode Manager display group to place this Linode under.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
Resize a Linode to a new plan size, and issue a boot job.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
-p, --plan: The Plan to resize to. Plans are linode1024, linode2048, linode4096, linode8192, linode16384, linode24576, linode32768, and linode40960.
Delete a Linode, its disk image(s), and configuration profile(s).
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
List information about one or more Linodes. Linodes are grouped by their display group.
-l, --label: A Linode to list.
Display detailed information about a single Linode.
-l, --label: Label of the Linode to show information about.