This repository consists of several tools used to identify gaps between Azure public and the different sovereigns (Azure Government, Azure China, Azure Germany).
Type | Source | Data Collection | Post-Processing |
ARM Resource Providers | Azure Resource Manager API | collect-rps | process-rps |
ARM Resource Types | Azure Resource Manager API | collect-rps | process-rps |
ARM API Versions | Azure Resource Manager API | collect-rps | process-rps |
Role Definitions | Azure Resource Manager API | collect-roles | process-roles |
Policy Definitions | Azure Resource Manager API | collect-policies | process-policies |
Azure Health Support | Azure Resource Manager API | collect-health | process-health |
Portal Extensions | Azure Portal | collect-portalextensions | process-portalextensions |
Portal Extension Feature Flags | Azure Portal | collect-portalextensions | process-portalextensions |
Everything is done through containers.
- Data is collected by a containerized dotnet core program.
- Data is uploaded by a containerized bash script.
- Data is post-processed by a containerized nodeJs program.
- Secrets are obtained by Key Vault by containerized dotnet core program.
This repo requires that you have a Key Vault which has Azure AD SP credentials to access all clouds (public and the sovereigns). It is assumed that you have a user account in each cloud to execute some of these setup steps.
Clone the repo and cd into it:
git clone cd azure-parity
Generate the temp config files that will be stored in Key Vault:
cp ParityWw.json ParityWw.ignore.json cp ParityWw.json ParityFf.ignore.json cp ParityWw.json ParityMc.ignore.json cp ParityWw.json ParityBf.ignore.json
Create the Azure AD SP. Run this command once for each of your accounts in the different clouds:
az cloud set -n <EnvironmentName> az login #TODO: Add the right parameters to the command az ad sp create-for-rbac # Store the values produced by this command in the appropriate ParityXx.ignore.json file
Create a Key Vault and store the cloud configs in it. You can do this in any cloud in any subscription.
az keyvault create -n <YOUR-VAULT> -g <YOUR-GROUP> az keyvault secret set --vault-name <YOUR-VAULT> -n ParityWw -f ParityWw.ignore.json # Store the Key Vault URL, you'll need it later
Create an Azure AD SP for the data collector to talk to the Key Vault:
#TODO: Add the right parameters to the command az ad sp create-for-rbac # Store the values produced by this command, you'll need them later. #TODO: az keyvault command to grant the Azure AD SP permissions to the key vault
Setup your Mongo DB. You can use Cosmos DB with MongoDB API.
Setup your secrets:
cp k8/keyvault.yaml k8/keyvault.ignore.yaml cp k8/mongo.yaml k8/mongo.ignore.yaml # Update the values in these *.ignore.yaml # Remember that you need to base64 encode the secrets # use "echo your-secret-value | base64" to obtain the encoded value
Deploy your secrets to Kubernetes:
# Deploy your secrets kubectl apply -f k8/keyvault.ignore.yaml kubectl apply -f k8/mongo.ignore.yaml
Build all the containers
# Check out the Makefile to see what 'make' does. # It's doing a docker build an docker push of each of the containers make
Deploy all pods to Kubernetes
# Check out the Makefile to see what 'make deploy' does. # It delets all existing pods and redeploys them. make deploy
- Spit out all tables for report:
- Summary table:
- db.resourceProviderMissingFeature.findOne()
- ARM breakout table:
- db.resourceProviderMissingResourceType.findOne()
- db.resourceProviderMissingRole.findOne()
- db.resourceProviderMissingHealth.findOne()
- db.resourceProviderMissingPolicy.findOne()
- Portal Extension breakout table:
- db.portalExtensionMissingExtensionFeature.findOne()
- Total missing features table:
- db.featureMissing.findOne()
- db.portalExtensionFeatureMissing.findOne()
- Summary table:
- Pull older than from environment variable
- Do a proper redeploy - update container versions + Kubernetes rollout
- Move DockerFiles to a separate directory
- Add option to not docker push in Makefile
- Figure out better storage strategy (Mongo DB per day sucks!)
- Use Azure storage persistent volumes for collection