This project consists on the development of a Csv-Parser program for helping companies to deal with different patterns of employees's information. The input files need to be places at the csv folder of the project and after running it, if the information are valid, it will be registered in an output file named validData.csv on the root project folder. The invalid information can also be traced at a csv file registered with the name invalidData.csv in the same folder.
The Architecture chosen for this project was the Clean Architecture. Following the image below, this project contains:
- An Entrypoint Layer, responsible for starting the jobs by reading the Input Csv files on the csv/ folder.
- An UseCase Layer, being the Heart of the application, containing the overall business logic.
- A DataProvider Layer, responsible for the connection with the Database for persistence and writing the Output files.
- A Configuration Layer, which contains the configuration for the whole project, in this case being responsible for the Database connection.
- go-memdb: For data persistence, it was used a memory Database in GoLang from Hashicorp, found on the link down below:
- Before starting, make sure you have installed the following dependency to connect to the go-memdb:
go get -u
- This command will install the other two dependencies required to connect with go-memdb: go-immutable-radix and golang-lru
- Check if these 3 packages have been successfully installed on your
- or:
- If the previous steps didn't work, you can get it manually by using the following commands:
cd $GOROOT/src/
git clone
git clone
git clone
- Make sure you make the same steps for the $GOROOT/src/vendor folder
- After downloading all the dependencies, you can install this project either by cloning on your $GOPATH/src or $GOROOT/src repository:
git clone
- Or simply unzip the file on the sames repositories.
- Then, you can copy your .csv files on the .../src/employee-csv-parser/csv folder
- Make sure you are in the .../src/employee-csv-parser folder and then run the following command:
go run main.go
- All the steps are gonna be registered on the cmd, and the output files for validData.csv and invalidData.csv are gonna be registered at the same folder.
- This code could be evolved by replacing a few steps in the UseCase layer for a more cohesive code.
- It could also be evolved by aggregating the additional information on the .csv input files on the valid output files. In this first version, only the minimal required informations are being persisted on the database and registered on the output file.
- It also could have a database registered in a Cloud Service (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) for all the employee's information could be registered and maintained.
Guilherme Mendes |