- A replacement for GUI office tools, For that it just isn't feature complete enough
- reliable with formula and live calculations, altho it has some features in that regard: it actually re-calculates most Excel formula while editing a spreadsheet. But it will barf on complex sheets with circular formula
Like any comandline tool written in JS and node:
$ git clone https://github.com/gurucoyote/ebenezer
$ cd /ebenezer/
# install deps
$ npm install
# or globally, so you can use it anywhere
$ npm install -g
$ ebenezer [filename]
if not given a filename, it will create an empty spreadsheet.
ebeniezer uses a vim like modal approach. It starts up in 'normal' mode, where you navigate and enter commands by pressing short key sequences. Try 'h' or '?' to output the list of currently available key mappings.
q - quit the program, no questions asked
i - edit the current cell
y - yank the current cell into paste buffer
x - cut current cell to paste buffer
O - insert blank row above current
o - insert blank row below current
Y, yy - yank the current row into paste buffer
X, xx - cut the current row into paste buffer, leaving a blank row.
D, dd - delete current row, shifting below rows up
yc - yank current column into paste buffer
dc - delete current column and shift remaining columns left.
xc - cut current column into paste buffer.
P - paste buffer above or before row or cell.
p - paste buffer below or after row or cell.
ns - new sheet
ps - pick sheet
wb - write the workbook to disk, asks for filename
g - goto cell address
: - enter repl mode to enter js code
enter, return, down - move one cell down
left - move one cell left
right - move one cell right
up - move one cell up
h, ? - print this help message