Final project for my Computer Science course - UnB
C++ game engine.
Note: the build/run commands use the just command runner
$ just
$ just build cfg
$ just run cfg
$ just clean cfg
- dodbook
- Entity Component Systems - Nico Schoeman
- Guide to modern opengl
- Hazel engine
- mreinstein/ecs
- learnopengl
- The book of shaders
- video-app
- blending skeletal animations
- 3D game shaders for beginners
- Fix your timestep
- Particle system
- Finite State Machine (FSM)
- Character controller
- The Cherno Profiler
- Rendering terrain with Tesselation Shaders
- Noise algorithms
- FBM algorithm
- Edge detection shader
- Sound library
- Vignette Shader
- Kuwahara Shader
- Fonts