S4 is a serverless stack designed to deploy minimal AWS resources to safely handle file upload and download for any application with different Access Control Lists for upload and download.
The three core functionalities of S4 are:
- Generate S3 presigned upload URL: Generate S3 presigned POST upload url for any user possessing a token that was previoulsy put in S4 token table.
- Dispatch file uploaded event: Dispatch an event alerting that a file was uploaded. The event may then be used to trigger a lambda in your project for instance.
- Generate S3 signed download URL: Generate a signed download url so that an authenticated user downloads the file directly from S3.
- Deployment ready: set up your AWS profile and serverless deploy
- Security: S3 pre-signed Urls, Lambdas to handle ACLs, the file type is verified directly after upload;
- Cost efficiency: Lambdas never process any file content, files are uploaded directly to S3;
yarn sls deploy
serverless create --template-url https://github.com/theodo/S4 --path myService
cd myService && serverless deploy
Let's use S4 to implement a file upload/download service with a trivial authorization mechanism. Every user that has the string "allowMeToUpload" in their token can upload. With "allowMeToDownload" they can download any previously uploaded file. It is the "allowMe" example in S4 repository.
The allow me examples in the examples
This Api Gateway Lambda custom authorizer checks that the user is allowed to upload a file and invoke another Lambda to generate a signed upload URL.
What is necessary to implement? The access control strategy in the getUploadUrlAuthorizer
code. Currently it uses the token in the Authorization header of the request but it could be any Api Gateway Lambda custom authorizer.
What does it do in the example? The lambda is triggered by an API Gateway Get event with a token that should contain "allowMeToUpload" to request and return the download url.
See getUploadUrlAuthorizer code
This Lambda is triggered by the FILE_UPLOADED
EventBridge event and receives the file metadata as payload of the event.
What is necessary to implement? You will want to store, in any database, any data needed to retrieve informations about the uploaded file later.
What does it do in the example? It stores all the uploaded file metadata into the table shipped with S4.
This Api Gateway Lambda custom authorizer checks that the user is allowed to download the file, requested by its file prefix, and invoke another Lambda to generate a signed download URL.
What is necessary to implement? The access control strategy in the getDownloadUrlAuthorizer
code. Currently it uses the token in the Authorization header of the request but it could be any Api Gateway Lambda custom authorizer.
What does it do in the example? The lambda is triggered by an API Gateway Get event with a token that should contain "allowMeToDownload" to request and return the download url.
See getDownloadUrlAuthorizer code
Let's deploy S4, upload and download a pdf
Deploy your stack
yarn sls deploy
Request an upload url Request:
curl 'https://{API_GATEWAY_ID}.execute-api.{REGION}.amazonaws.com/{STAGE}/api/signed-upload-url?fileType=application/pdf' --header 'Authorization: Bearer allowMeToUpload'
{ "url": { PRESIGNED_UPLOAD_URL }, "fields": { "x-amz-storage-class": { X_AMZ_STORAGE_CLASS }, "bucket": { BUCKET_NAME }, "X-Amz-Algorithm": { X_AMZ_ALGORITHM }, "X-Amz-Credential": { X_AMZ_CREDENTIAL }, "X-Amz-Date": { X_AMZ_DATE }, "X-Amz-Security-Token": { X_AMZ_SECURITY_TOKEN }, "Policy": { POLICY }, "X-Amz-Signature": { X_AMZ_SIGNATURE } }, "filePrefix": { FILE_PREFIX } }
Upload the file
curl --request POST { PRESIGNED_UPLOAD_URL }\
--form 'key="{ FILE_PREFIX }/${filename}"' \
--form 'bucket={ BUCKET_NAME }' \
--form 'x-amz-storage-class={ X_AMZ_STORAGE_CLASS }' \
--form 'Content-Type="application/pdf"' \
--form 'X-Amz-Algorithm={ X_AMZ_ALGORITHM }' \
--form 'X-Amz-Credential={ X_AMZ_CREDENTIAL }' \
--form 'X-Amz-Date={ X_AMZ_DATE }' \
--form 'X-Amz-Security-Token={ X_AMZ_SECURITY_TOKEN }' \
--form 'Policy={ POLICY }' \
--form 'X-Amz-Signature={ X_AMZ_SIGNATURE }' \
--form 'file=@{ PATH_TO_FILE }'
Request a download URL
curl "https://{API_GATEWAY_ID}.execute-api.{REGION}.amazonaws.com/{STAGE}/api/download-url?filePrefix={FILE_PREFIX}&filename={FILENAME}" --header "Authorization: Bearer allowMeToDownload"
{ "downloadUrl": { DOWNLOAD_URL } }
Download the file
curl { DOWNLOAD_URL } --output downloaded_file.pdf
This Lambda queries uploaded files metadata to display a list of files available to download in the following React component example :
A S3 bucket: a S3 bucket to store the files of end users.
A Files metadata table: a Dynamodb table to store uploaded files metadat. These metadata is used to to retrieve the files after their upload
A getSignedUploadUrl http endpoint: an endpoint on the route
that verifies that the user is allowed to upload files, using the token in the Authorization header, and returns a presigned POST url to upload a file directly to the S3 bucket. -
A dispatchFileUploadedEvent handler and an event bridge: a handler that dispatches a
event in an event bridge. This event may be used to trigger any lambda. The payload of the event contains:
uploadToken: string,
ressourceId: string,
ressourceName: string,
email: string,
bucketName: string,
fileName: string,
fileSize: number,
- A getSignedDownloadUrl http endpoint: an endpoint on the route
that verifies that the user is allowed to download files, using the token in the Authorization header, and returns a presigned POST url to download a file directly to the S3 bucket.
The three Lambda functions with a person icon should be implemented by S4 user.