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MongoDB utilities.


npm version CircleCI


Via npm

$ npm install -S @haensl/mongo mongodb

Via yarn

$ yarn add @haensl/mongo mongodb


  1. Install @haensl/mongo (and mongodb, it's a peer dependency)

  2. Use mongo in your projects:

    ESM, i.e. import

    import factory from '@haensl/mongo';
    const mongo = factory({ mongoUri });
    // Spreading the import works, too.
    // import { client } from '@haensl/mongo';
    const client = await mongo.client();

    CJS, i.e. require

    const mongo = require('@haensl/mongo')({ mongoUri });
    // ...
    const client = await mongo.client();


The mongo utility wraps functions around getting a MongoClient, identifying errors and connection pool cleanup. It is exposed as a factory:

// Factory.
// Takes Mongo connection URI.
// Returns service object.
({ mongoUri }) => ({
  // Collects the changes made to doc by the given patch.
  // Returns an array of objects of the form { field, from , to }
  changes: (doc, patch) => [changes],

  // Cleanup function to close the connection pool.
  // Invoke e.g. at instance shutdown.
  cleanup: async () => void,

  // Returns a mongo client.
  // Connects if necessary.
  client: async () => MongoClient,

  // Map of MongoDB error numbers.
  errors: {
    duplicateKey: 11000

  // Checks if the given Error is a MongoDB error with given code.
  // Returns a boolean.
  isError: (error, code) => boolean,

  // Checks if the given patch would change the given field in doc.
  // Returns a boolean.
  patchChangesField: ({ doc, field, patch }) => boolean,

  // Returns the value stored in obj at the given keyPath.
  // A key path is a string like `prop.subProp`.
  // E.g. resolveKeyPath({ foo: { bar: 'baz' }}, '')
  // returns 'baz'
  resolveKeyPath: (obj, keyPath) => any,

  // Transforms a patch object (with sub objects)
  // into a MongoDB patch (with `prop.sub`  keys)
  // E.g.
  // {
  //   foo: {
  //     bar: 'baz'
  //   }
  // }
  // becomes
  // { '': 'baz' }
  toMongoPatch: (patch) => mongoPatch

Example usage:

Supply connection URI once, use everywhere & graceful instance shutdown

// mongo.js
// Wrap @haensl/mongo in a local module.
// Generate the service once and share it across your app.
const mongo = require('@haensl/mongo')(process.env.MONGO_URI);

process.on('exit', mongo.cleanup);
process.on('SIGINT', mongo.cleanup);
process.on('SIGTERM', mongo.cleanup);

module.exports = mongo;

In other modules that access your MongoDB, you use this local module:

// Use local wrapper created above
const mongo = require('./mongo');

const findThing = async (id) => {
  const client = await mongo.client();
  return client.db('my_mongodb')
    .findOne({ _id: id });

Check if an insert failed because of duplicate

// Use local wrapper created above
const { client, isError, errors } = require('./mongo');

const insertThing = async (id) => {
  const client = await mongo.client();

  try {
      .insertOne({ _id: id })
  } catch (err) {
    // duplicate key error
    if (isError(err, errors.duplicateKey)) {`already got ${id}, skipping.`);
    } else {
      // something else happened