This project provides a starter-kit for every possible Front-End project using Gulp and Express.js.
- Express.js provide a strong structure for routing
- Gulp 4 (actually in alpha) is used as task manager
- Pug compilation to HTML
- PostCSS is used to compile the CSS (PreCSS, CSSNano and CSSNext are ready)
- Automatic Linter for PostCSS, JavaScript and Pug
- JavaScript Unit testing with Mocha with few examples
To get you started you can simply clone the angular-seed repository and install the dependencies:
- git clone --depth 1 (--depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history)
npm uninstall -g gulp
npm install -g gulp-cli
- Install Docker Toolbox (
- Start the Docker QuickStart Terminal
- Navigate to this application's root folder in the terminal window
- Run docker-compose build to build the images
- Run docker-compose up to run the containers
- Navigate to in a browser
gulp help
Displays all of the available gulp tasks.
gulp vet
Performs static code analysis on all javascript files. Runs jshint and jscs.
gulp test
Runs all unit tests using karma runner, mocha, chai and sinon with phantomjs. Depends on vet task, for code analysis.
gulp clean
Remove all files from the build and temp folders
gulp clean-images
Remove all images from the build folder
gulp clean-code
Remove all javascript and html from the build folder
gulp clean-fonts
Remove all fonts from the build folder
gulp clean-styles
Remove all styles from the build folder
gulp fontsTask
Copy all fonts from source to the build folder
gulp imagesTask
Copy all images from source to the build folder
gulp stylesTask
Compile with PostCSS files to CSS, add vendor prefixes, and copy to the build folder
gulp serve-dev
Serves the development code and launches it in a browser. The goal of building for development is to do it as fast as possible, to keep development moving efficiently.
gulp build
Copies all fonts, copies images and runs
gulp optimize
to build the production code to the build folder.
gulp serve-build
Serve the optimized code from the build folder and launch it in a browser.
See the contribute file!
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
This repo branching model is inspired by Git Flow. Currently we have these types of branches:
- master - Latest release, stable
- develop - Main development, unstable
- release/ - Release archive
- feature/ - Specific features development
- example/ - Helpful examples
- hotfix/ - Emergency fixes for latest release
Read the Git Flow reference. This repo uses Semantic Versioning.