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Collections, storage and importing media and metadata

hanleybrand edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 2 revisions

Basic setup

Create storage

  • Click on ‘Management’ on the top right and select ‘Manage storage’
  • Select ‘Create new storage area’
  • Enter in a title for the storage, the storage system (probably local) and the path to the storage directory (such as /vol1/mdid-storage)
  • ‘URL base’ and ‘Server base’ are only needed when using another server for video streaming

Create collections

  • After creating a new storage area, from Management select ‘Manage Collections’
  • Select ‘Create new Collection’
  • Enter in a title for the collection, the owner (needs to be an account that can log in to MDID), a description and agreement (if necessary)
  • Check the hidden box if you want to hide the collection, it can be unchecked later
  • Children specifies which other collections are children of the collection you’re creating

Importing media and metadata

When importing multiple files into MDID, two separate management tasks must be performed in the following order.

Step 1: Import Media Files

The image files should be imported first. This is so that there is control over the value of the identifiers (the name of the file without the file extension) of each uploaded image file. The identifiers will need to be known for a successful metadata import.

  • Click on ‘Management’ on the top right and select ‘Import Media Files’
  • Select the storage and collection that the image files are going to be added to
  • Check the box for ‘Create records’
  • Click on ‘Select and Upload Files’ and select all of the image files you wish to upload, multiple images may be selected at once

Step 2: Import Metadata

After the image files have been uploaded successfully, importing the metadata is necessary so that information about the images such as title, description, artist and date are associated with the newly imported images. The metadata is contained within a CSV file in UTF-8 encoding. If editing a CSV file in Excel, when it gets saved it will no longer be in UTF-8. This can be fixed by opening the file in another program (such as notepad) and choosing UTF-8 in the save options.

The first line of the CSV file should list the names of all of the fields. The only required field is ‘Identifier’ which will be the filenames (without the file extension), which lets MDID know which metadata record goes with which newly imported image file.

  • Click on ‘Management’ on the top right and select ‘Import Metadata’
  • Click on ‘Browse’ and select the CSV file that contains the metadata
  • Click on ‘Upload and Analyze File’ and map the source fields to fields in MDID (if necessary)
  • Check the boxes for ‘Update existing records’ and ‘Add new records’
  • Click on ‘Import File’, the Jobs screen loads and shows the status of the job you just ran, refresh the page to see if the job completed successfully
  • Upon successful import of the metadata, all of the images that were imported should now have a title, description, artist, etc
  • If images, metadata or both do not show up when browsing or searching MDID, SOLR may need to reindex

see for more information on curation.