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Mac OS X Installation

Peter Hanley edited this page Aug 3, 2015 · 55 revisions

Setting up a Mac for MDID3 Development


The pre-installation section targets users who may be unfamiliar with the terminal, homebrew, python environments, etc. If you already have a mac set up for developing/hacking (and you have homebrew, git, the github client, your own thoughts on how python should be installed, mysql or postgresql, an IDE and your own opinions) you may wish to note that I'm recommending using ~/dev as a working directory for installing mdid3 into and just skip on ahead to #installing-mdid3.

Open a terminal

Terminal can be found at /Applications/Utilities/

If you knew that already and are rolling your eyes, skip to the next step.

There's no way to explain terminal in this document, but the link above is to a guide that's pretty good. In general, just type what your told to type and things should work out (The $ sign is the beginning of a new line)

When you open it for the first time, type the following (don't type the # or anything after it):

pwd                # Tells you the current directory
                   # should make the terminal print /Users/_yourusername
mkdir dev          # creates a folder (directory) called dev
cd dev             # changes the current directory to dev
mkdir mdid-data    # a place for mdid-data to go
cd ..              # change directory one level up (back to dev)

Note: your home directory (/Users/_yourusername) is often referred to with the shorthand ~/, which is a working shortcut in the terminal - you can type cd ~/dev from any directory to change back to the dev directory in your home account. more...

Leave the terminal window open, we'll be coming back...

The first step of developing with Mac OS X

To get very far at all on a mac, you have to make sure the basic tools are installed, but luckily that's as easy as installing Xcode. You can check if you have it already with the terminal command xcode-select -p

If you get a response back like /Applications/ then you're good.

But if you don't (e.g. xcode-select: error: unable to get active developer directory... ) then you'll have to install it. You should be able to use this command:

xcode-select --install

which should "open a dialog for installation of the command line developer tools" and allow you to install the developer tools you'll need to get MDID working.

image showing the use of the terminal command xcode-select --install

Xcode info


Mac OS X lacks a "standard" package manager like Ubuntu (apt-get) or Redhat/Centos (rpm/yum) operating systems, but luckily there's homebrew. Anything installed by Homebrew will be symlikned to /usr/local

# install homebrew package manager
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

note: the above url changed at least once during the writing of this guide, so if you get an error like curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request please check the homepage of the homebrew project for the correct url

That might take a few minutes, but when it's done, run brew doctor to ensure that everything is ok (doctor should return Your system is ready to brew.).

To try it out, install wget, a useful shell command by typing:

brew install wget

If you previously installed home-brew, it's a good idea to type the following three commands before continuing:

brew update
brew doctor
brew upgrade

Or if you know what you're doing, you've probably skimmed to here so let's start setting up MDID3... (after the homebrew info)

Homebrew info

(optional) Getting python right

Optional but after I worked with MDID3 for a month or two on my mac I really wished I had not messed up the python distribution the mac ships with

Unless you know better, just follow the Hitchhiker's Guide To Installing Python on Mac OS X

Summary of the guide, all commands in

# add to your .bash_profile or .bash_rc file
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

# install a more developer friendly python
brew install python --framework

# again with the .bash_profile
export PATH=/usr/local/share/python:$PATH

(optional) Getting python even righter

So we've installed a better python for running MDID3, but we can do a little more to give ourselves flexibility in the future by installing virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper - these will allow you to have as many separate python installations as you need, which is useful if you'd like to see what happens if you upgrade to newer version of python or django or anything else.

pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper

Then add an environment variable to allow the virtualenvwrapper to make things easy for you:

export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

This command will append the WORKON_HOME to your profile so it still works next time you login

echo 'export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.bash_profile

or edit your ~/.bash_profile file (nano ~/.bash_profile to edit) manually:

# brews before ...uh... the apple-distributed binaries
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
# use custom python
export PATH=/usr/local/share/python:$PATH

# virtualenv settings
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
# add commands and autocomplete
source /usr/local/bin/

Save the .bash_profile (if using nano it's ctrl-x to exit and then y for "yes, save") and then back in the terminal type:

mkvirtualenv mdid3

and after seeing the informational text of the virtualenv creation process, your shell prompt should be something like this:

(mdid3)MDIDs-Mac:~ mdid$: 

The leading bit in parentheses tells you which python virtualenv is currently active. You can get out of that virtualenv by either typing deactivate or closing the terminal window.

With many python projects, you're ready to go -- but MDID3 is particularly sophisticated, and like a sophisticated person it has sophisticated needs. Some of those needs (like the mysql connector, PIL, etc.) need to be installed with Homebrew not in a virtualenv so it's very important to issue this command now:


python virtualenv info

virtualenv docs virtualenvwrapper docs

(optional) Install an IDE or a text editor

Why? Because there's really no way around engaging with the source code of MDID3 when you are setting it up. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) do things like display source code with special formatting to make it more understandable (many text editors also do this), and an IDE with Python/Django support will actually evaluate the code and offer (sometimes) helpful hints when things don't work.

Ok, back to it... Make sure that you are not in a virtualenv by typing:


Installing MDID3

If you're starting here and already have your development thing going, consider typing the following before continuing, just to make sure you're up to date and everything is good:

brew update
brew upgrade
brew doctor

You may also wish to use brew list to see what's already installed

Installing everything pip can't handle


brew install memcached

Post-install you will get instructions about configuring launchd to start memcached at login, and be told that you can "just run" /usr/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached - but you should be able to just type

memcached -h

to see the help screen for memcached. We're going to almost forget about memcached now, all you need to know is you start it with -d (for daemon, i.e. "in the background") like

memcached -d

and quit it inelegantly with the command

pkill memcached

memcached info

[alternative memcached solution - not necessarily recommended]

Download couchbase community edition and use the installer to install it. Couchbase Community Server 3.0.1

Follow the instructions to set up as a memcached server (not couchbase).


It's probably best to install via home-brew

brew install mysql

Then start the server like this:

mysql.server restart

Stop it like this:

mysql.server stop

Check on it with:

mysql.server status

IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTE homebrew installs mysql with no root password, which is technically dangerous, and could possibly put your mac at risk. You should really run the mysql_secure_installation command and set the root password to whatever your password is at least (answer Y to all the other questions)


MySQL info

Note: You can use PostgreSQL if you prefer, but if you do you probably already have it installed


RabbitMQ is the (new) way that MDID3 handles server-side jobs like data import.

In terminal:

brew install rabbitmq
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin' >> ~/.bash_profile

Alternatively to add the command rabbitmq-server manually to your system, nano ~/.bash_profile and add the line PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin at the bottom

Start rabbitmq-server (in the background)

rabbitmq-server -detached

Check that rabbitmq is running

rabbitmqctl status

Stop/Quit rabbitmq

rabbitmqctl stop

rabbitmq info


note - incomplete section

Since support has been added for solr4 we might as well install that...

First things first, you're going to need java 8, and when I ran through this documentation on a fresh install of Yosemite the JRE didn't include command line support, so download and install JDK 8

When that's installed, check that your terminal shell can see java with java -version and assuming that returns something like java version "1.8.0_40" we can install solr:

brew install solr

Don't start solr yet, all the config files are in the MDID3 repo which we haven't downloaded yet

Miscellaneous pesky installs that shouldn't be necessary, but...

There are some things that don't work as well as everyone would like.


pip install mysql-python doesn't seem to always work.

Try this instead:

pip install -Iv

You may have to add

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/mysql

to your ~/.bash_profile

Additional notes:

python-ldap (probably not necessary unless you want to configure ldap locally)

Follow this guide - I'm pretty sure it's correct (only if you're going to need ldap support, of course)


The image library MDID3 uses (Pil or more recently Pillow) is a bit problematic on the mac due to some inconsistencies with where jpeg-8d is installed, or something. But homebrew does it right (note: the following command installs without JPEG2000 support due to problems with openjpeg) - deactivate first to make sure you're not in the mdid3 virtualenv we created earlier.

deactivate      # if you've installed a virtualenv
brew install Homebrew/python/pillow

pyodbc prep

Without these a required library will fail to install later.

brew install freetds
brew install unixodbc

Git & the Github

Git is a system for source code management. MDID3 is distributed via GitHub, which is sort of like youtube for source code. In order to install MDID, you need to at least install git, but if you aren't comfortable with a command line you'll probably be better off using GitHub's app.

  1. Download Github for Mac and install it

    1. Consider doing this free tutorial to get a sense of what git is (optional)


A: Yes. Right Now, in fact.

Get the MDID 3 Repo

Either use the client

  1. Go to the official repo in a browser and click the Clone in Desktop link

  2. Save the repo in the ~/dev directory you made in the last step

Or if you like the terminal

cd ~/dev
git clone mdid3

Ok, now we're on the road to starting up.

...and now for something completely dependent

To install the rest of the libraries, do this command in the root of the MDID repo:

workon mdid3      # if you installed virtualenvwrapper and created mdid3  as a v-env
pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up the database


nano mdid.sql

and copy/paste this text in

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rooibos.* TO rooibos@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'rooibos';
UPDATE mysql.user SET Select_priv='Y',Insert_priv='Y',
    WHERE Host='localhost' AND User='rooibos';

hit ctrl-o and hit enter to save, and then on the command line type:

mysql -u 'root' < mdid.sql

and since we're in the terminal, lets go for broke and start solr...

cd ~/dev/rooibos/solr
nohup java -server -Djava.headless=True -jar start.jar

... then finish setting up the database

cd ../rooibos 

django <= 1.6

python syncdb --noinput

django >= 1.7

pip install -f requirements.txt
./ collectstatic
./ migrate --fake-initial

You may get a message that says

Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied. Run ' makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run ' migrate' to apply them.

in this case, try:

./ makemigrations
./ migrate

and then make the cache table

python createcachetable cache

... start the workers

python runworkers --server &

and then

... start the mdid development server

python runserver

If everything went correctly, you should be able to navigate to and start using MDID.

System notes


Clone this wiki locally