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Installation outline

hanleybrand edited this page Dec 12, 2012 · 50 revisions



Note: This page is a work in progress - ask on the list if a step doesn't make sense

The Madison Digital Image Database is a freely distributed, open source web application developed at James Madison University. MDID is a digital media management system with sophisticated tools for discovering, aggregating, and presenting digital media in a wide variety of learning spaces.

Please join the list and introduce yourself if you end up working with MDID3.

Technical Overview

MDID3 is a django web application that requires at minimum to run:

  • a web server capable of serving WSGI applications, either using mod_wsgi with Apache HTTP Server or other alternative that works similarly (e.g.uWSGI & nginx) or Microsoft IIS with pyisapie
    • the webserver needs to be able to run python as a daemon for worker processes like image processing, data import, etc.
  • a Apache Solr server for search
  • a memory object caching server like memcached or Couchbase Server
  • a database server - all known installations are currently based in mySQL or MS SQL Server, but Postgress should theoretically work - let us know, won't you?
  • django 1.2.3 is the most used, but 1.2.7 looks stable. It is possible that it is fully compatible with Django 1.4, but that is based solely on this repo's commit notes

Software Installation

Install Dependencies

Management systems

To install the software dependencies required for mdid3 to run, use the system-specific methods listed below. Experienced developers or system admins may take issue with some details - in many cases the way described is not "the only way" but rather "just a way" - in some cases it's aiming to be describe simplest way. Feedback and alternative procedures are welcome, please feel free to submit them.

Package Management System/Command

Ubuntu Red Hat Mac OS X Windows 2008 or other
apt-get Redhat - yum rhel 5 | rhel 6 homebrew
download installers & compile source
None (true? any dissent?).
Download installers or executables.

Software package installation

Below is a matrix of the software dependencies required for mdid3 to run correctly. In general, software installed via a package manager like apt or yum will be displayed as package-name whereas a downloadable installer, binary or downloadable source will be a text link

Apt and Yum generally need to be run via sudo, but the Mac OS X package manager homebrew is designed specifically to not use sudo (assumedly because the normative mac user account has installation privileges). So to install packageX, use the commands:

apt (Ubuntu) yum (Red Hat) homebrew (Mac OS X)
sudo apt-get install packageX
sudo yum install packageX
brew install packageX

Optionally, package managers can be given a list of packages, and be told to say "yes" to every question, and the human being installing the software can do something important, like drink coffee. A copy/paste-able single command will be presented at the bottom of the matrix.

  Ubuntu Red Hat Mac OS X Windows 2008 or other
python installed
installed Python 2.7.3
(32-bit) | (64-bit)
Github for Mac Github for Windows

Update installation

sudo apt-get -y upgrade && install

Install python packages using PIP

Many of the python libraries can be installed with pip install [after pip is installed] ( or via easy_install (do your self a favor and install pip).
The exception in quite a few cases is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, where it is better to use yum to install many python libraries.

sudo pip install mysql-python pyodbc pil python-dateutil flickrapi werkzeug reportlab

Optional Installs

FFMPEG_EXECUTABLE for audio/video file support

mdid3 uses ffmpeg to process audio & video media files. The current repo includes a windows installer, although a newer version may be available. Other platforms have to install the software and edit in order for a/v files to be processed.

The setting in is:

FFMPEG_EXECUTABLE = os.path.join(install_dir, 'dist', 'windows', 'ffmpeg', 'bin', 'ffmpeg.exe')

which won't work on linux installations, naturally.

Linux admins should install ffmpeg if it isn't installed and add the correct path (get with which ffmpeg) to, for example on RHEL/Centos:

FFMPEG_EXECUTABLE = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'

Links to the latest version for most platforms covered in this guide can be found at

Installation on RHEL 5 & 6 can follow this guide if a yum package is not available for your specific version & architecture:

Open Office

TBD (for PPT import and export)


As might be expected for a web application as complex and flexible as mdid3, a number of configuration steps are required to get going.

Setup user accounts

Create MDID user account (this allows mdid3 to run programs on it’s

own behalf)

sudo adduser mdid

Add admin account (not the mdid utility account) to the staff group

sudo nano /etc/group

Find the following line and append your username (not mdid)


it will look like this when you’ve done it


(ctrl-x will exit, prompting you to "save modified buffer" (i.e. the file you have open) - type “y” and the return/enter key to save before exiting )

Important: Log out of the command line and log back in

Download and Install MDID3

Create the directory where MDID3 will be installed as root, and then chown it to the account that will run the web app processes

sudo mkdir /var/local/mdid
sudo chown mdid:mdid /var/local/mdid
sudo chmod 775 /var/local/mdid
cd ..

Git MDID3!

There are a few ways to approach getting the mdid3 repo onto your server, the instructions below

su mdid -- this is optional - you could also continue as root or yourself, and then

git clone git:// mdid 
cd mdid
git checkout -b ourSite upstream/experimental

sudo chown -R mdid:staff /var/local/mdid/* # this is only necessary if you didn't su to the mdid account before downloading the mdid3 files.

This step may be necessary if you execute git via root in your mdid3 directories.

sudo chown -R mdid:staff /var/local/mdid/*

Setup the database

nano mdid.sql

and type this text in

 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rooibos.* TO rooibos@localhost
   IDENTIFIED BY 'rooibos';
 UPDATE mysql.user SET Select_priv='Y',Insert_priv='Y',
   WHERE Host='localhost' AND User='rooibos';

and then run the script with mysql

mysql -u 'root' -p < mdid.sql

type the following two commands at /var/local/mdid/rooibos :

python syncdb --noinput
python createcachetable cache

Configure Apache & mod_wsgi 
The developers of django recommend using a seperate webserver for static files on a production system
See How to use Django with Apache and mod_wsgi for more information
Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:
sudo cp /var/local/mdid/dist/linux/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

and add this line

WSGIScriptAlias / /var/local/mdid/rooibos/dist/linux/django.wsgi

note: the lone forward slash is not a typo - the first “/” indicates that mdid will be the root o TRUNCATED! Please download pandoc if you want to convert large files.

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