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virtualenv: for the better

hanleybrand edited this page Oct 23, 2012 · 11 revisions

It's better (and frankly super easy) to use a virtual environment for your server's python stuff. For hosting mdid3, it carries at least these benefits:

  1. Allows the mdid-application user (referred to as mdid) to manage python without having to use sudo
  2. Protects your mdid installation from a unwitting system wide upgrade to django 1.4 hosing your server
  3. Removes the need to type python26 in front of everything (rhel 5)
  4. If needed, you can make multiple virtualenvs to be able to test some change

Here's how to set it up - this can be done whether you've already setup or not

if you already have a server

It's not a problem to set up retroactively. Before you begin, install yolk:

[sudo] easy_install yolk

and after that completes, you type

yolk -l 

and you should get a list of the libraries you had installed anyway:

MySQL-python    - 1.2.3c1      - active 
PIL             - 1.1.7        - active 
Pygments        - 1.4          - active 
Python          - 2.6.5        - active development (/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload)
Werkzeug        - 0.8.2        - active 
distribute      - 0.6.10       - active 
flickrapi       - 1.2          - active 
pyodbc          - 3.0.3        - active 
python-dateutil - 2.0          - active 
python-ldap     - 2.3.12       - active 
python-memcached - 1.43         - active 
reportlab       - 2.5          - active 
setuptools      - 0.6c11       - active 
virtualenv      - 1.5.1        - active 
wsgiref         - 0.1.2        - active development (/usr/lib/python2.6)
yolk            - 0.4.3        - active 

which you can use to make sure you put all of your dependencies in your virtualenv. Speaking of virtualenv...

Install virtualenv

easy_install virtualenv

note-if setting up an rhel server, you need to install python26 & setuptools first (walkthrough) and use easy_install with python26, i.e.

sudo python26 /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ virtualenv

Create a virtualenv for mdid3

Once installed, make a directory for storing your virtualenv - if you've installed mdid to /var/local/mdid consider putting your virtualenv in /var/local/virt to keep things close, but remember to chown/chgrp the directory so the user mdid can use it

sudo mkdir /var/local/virt
sudo chown mdid:staff virt
virtualenv-2.6 -v --no-site-packages virt/mdid3 

Ok, so now all you have to do is switch to the virtualenv:

source /var/local/virt/mdid3/bin/activate

and your terminal prompt should go from $ to this: (mdid3)$ (if your prompt is just $)

To switch back to your default system python, just type deactivate and you'll be back to normal.

bash tip

Add this to your .bash_profile to activate by typing mdid3:

alias mdid3='source /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/bin/activate'

then type

source ~/.bash_profile

to activate your new command.


Before you activate (just type deactivate if you already did) you want to make an install file for re-getting your python libraries:

pip freeze > /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/mdid-dep.txt

If you have an already working mdid3 server this will generate a file containing something like:


You can probably delete the virtualenv==1.5.1 line, but otherwise this should be good.

Now activate

source /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/bin/activate



(if you listened to my advice about adding the alias to your bash shell)

Re-get your python libraries

This is awesome =)

  1. pip install -r mdid-dep.txt
  2. Sip coffee
  3. (optional, not your choice) Curse when you realize it didn't work exactly.

Reconfigure your apache.conf & wsgi script to use the virtual env

You'll need to add something like this to your wsgi script and then restart your webserver (safety note: a typo or wrong path will result in downtime)

See for more information.

It's better (and frankly super easy) to use a virtual environment for your server's python stuff. For hosting mdid3, it carries at least these benefits:

  1. Allows the mdid-application user (referred to as mdid) to manage python without having to use sudo
  2. Protects your mdid installation from a unwitting system wide upgrade to django 1.4 hosing your server
  3. Removes the need to type python26 in front of everything (rhel 5)
  4. If needed, you can make multiple virtualenvs to be able to test some change

Here's how to set it up - this can be done whether you've already setup or not

if you already have a server

It's not a problem to set up retroactively. Before you begin, install yolk:

[sudo] easy_install yolk

and after that completes, you type

yolk -l 

and you should get a list of the libraries you had installed anyway:

MySQL-python    - 1.2.3c1      - active 
PIL             - 1.1.7        - active 
Pygments        - 1.4          - active 
Python          - 2.6.5        - active development (/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload)
Werkzeug        - 0.8.2        - active 
distribute      - 0.6.10       - active 
flickrapi       - 1.2          - active 
pyodbc          - 3.0.3        - active 
python-dateutil - 2.0          - active 
python-ldap     - 2.3.12       - active 
python-memcached - 1.43         - active 
reportlab       - 2.5          - active 
setuptools      - 0.6c11       - active 
virtualenv      - 1.5.1        - active 
wsgiref         - 0.1.2        - active development (/usr/lib/python2.6)
yolk            - 0.4.3        - active 

which you can use to make sure you put all of your dependencies in your virtualenv. Speaking of virtualenv...

Install virtualenv

easy_install virtualenv

note-if setting up an rhel server, you need to install python26 & setuptools first (walkthrough) and use easy_install with python26, i.e.

sudo python26 /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ virtualenv

Create a virtualenv for mdid3

Once installed, make a directory for storing your virtualenv - if you've installed mdid to /var/local/mdid consider putting your virtualenv in /var/local/virt to keep things close, but remember to chown/chgrp the directory so the user mdid can use it

sudo mkdir /var/local/virt
sudo chown mdid:staff virt
virtualenv-2.6 -v --no-site-packages virt/mdid3 

Ok, so now all you have to do is switch to the virtualenv:

source /var/local/virt/mdid3/bin/activate

and your terminal prompt should go from $ to this: (mdid3)$ (if your prompt is just $)

To switch back to your default system python, just type deactivate and you'll be back to normal.

bash tip

Add this to your .bash_profile to activate by typing mdid3:

alias mdid3='source /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/bin/activate'

then type

source ~/.bash_profile

to activate your new command.


Before you activate (just type deactivate if you already did) you want to make an install file for re-getting your python libraries:

pip freeze > /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/mdid-dep.txt

If you have an already working mdid3 server this will generate a file containing something like:


You can probably delete the virtualenv==1.5.1 line, but otherwise this should be good.

Now activate

source /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/bin/activate



(if you listened to my advice about adding the alias to your bash shell)

Re-get your python libraries

This is awesome =)

  1. pip install -r mdid-dep.txt
  2. Sip coffee
  3. (optional, not your choice) Curse when you realize it didn't work exactly.

Reconfigure your apache.conf & wsgi script to use the virtual env

You'll need to add something like this to your wsgi script and then restart your webserver (safety note: a typo or wrong path will result in downtime)

See for more information.


WSGIPythonHome /var/local/virt/mdid3-py26/


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