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Useful ubuntu utterances

hanleybrand edited this page Sep 14, 2012 · 1 revision

Bash shell (i.e. "the command line")

save a copy of commands you typed, to document stuff later

history -w ~/shellHistory.txt

get DHCP address (or see what your ip address is)

sudo dhclient

release DHCP address

sudo dhclient -r

restart apache

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

check apache error log

tail -f  /var/log/apache2/error.log

shutdown the vm

sudo shutdown -h now

reboot the vm

sudo reboot


launch mysql as root

mysql -u 'root' -p

run a mysql scipt

mysql -u 'root' -p < script.sql

get a full list of users (launch mysql first)

select * from mysql.user;


install MDID3 via git (change experimental to master if desired)

git init
sudo git init
sudo git remote add rooibos git://
sudo git fetch rooibos
sudo git merge rooibos/experimental

update MDID3 via git (change experimental to master if desired)

git stash 
git fetch rooibos
git merge rooibos/experimental 
git stash pop 

Mac commands

Edit hosts (so you can get to your vmware server)

sudo nano /etc/hosts

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache 
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