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Hello, I'm Han!
Cybersecurity professional | Coding instructor | Blue Teamer
- I’m currently working on cybersecurity, cloud security, Python and C# projects.
- I teach Python, SQL, JavaScript & HTML/CSS as a lead instructor for Code First Girls.
- I’m currently brushing up on C# and learning Go to modernise my tech stack.
- My main interests are cybersecurity, python, sql/kql, cloud computing and cloud security.
- Fun fact: I started programming over 20 years ago and turned a much-loved hobby into a career - so can you!
- Ethical Hacking / Pen Testing Tools
DISCLAIMER: these ethical hacking tools are intended for educational purposes and awareness training sessions only. Performing hacking attempts on computers that you do not own (without permission) is illegal! Do not attempt to gain access to devices that you do not own or have permission to access.