A single sign on project using Spring boot,Spring Security and Spring LDAP This is a Java Maven multimodule application containing:
- An authorization server module that acts also as a resource server
- A client application-1 module that uses the authorization server for authentication, also for getting access to a resource on the resource server.This application list of all users in the embedded-ldap
- A client application-2 module that uses the authorization server for authentication, also for getting access to a resource on the resource server.This application contains a form that creates new users which can be used to log in into the application
- Spring embedded ldap is used to save user detsails
Authurization server runs at http://localhost:8080/auth/ -
Using a browser go to: http://localhost:8081/client/ - This will authenticate the current user against the authorization server. The username/password is hari/1.
Using a browser go to: http://localhost:8082/client/ - This will authenticate the current user against the authorization server. The username/password is hari/1.