Minimum text editor for trying a font(.ttf) before installation.
This is a rewriten code of fontpad.rb for Ruby 2.x using Ruby/Tk and Fiddle, instead of WxRuby and Win32API.
Works on Windows 7
Ruby 2.x
RubyGems: ttfunk
Copy fontpad2.rb and icon.ico into your convenient directory.
I recommend you to create a shortcut with a link to:
path/to/rubyw.exe path/to/fontpad2.rb
in your SendTo folder.
> ruby fontpad2.rb a_font_file.ttf
When with no font file, just displays a window. Then click "Open" button to select a font file.
Once a font is opened:
- "+" button to increase font size
- "o" button to reset font size
- "-" button to decrease font size
Public Domain